The best cure for a double-bogey is a toffee, or sugar - any type of sugar; I love my chocolate.

I like to bow hunt, I do a lot of that. I don't get dressed up all too often, I'm pretty casual.

I had a nice read on the putt and I said to myself, 'This is for you, Jesus, ' and knocked it in.

How did I make a twelve on a par five hole? It's simple - I missed a four foot putt for an eleven.

I try to deign golf courses that are individual in character and individual in their own standing.

I'm Australian, so I love the stores near Crowne Plaza Melbourne, on the banks of the Yarra River.

I'm willing to put my body on the line and stuff like that, just to get a taste of that greatness.

What I'm doing with my body and with my golf game, I'm trying to extend the longevity of my career.

Had I not become a professional golfer, I think I would have pursued some type of career in aviation.

When I used to gamble, I looked for players with head covers on their irons. Those guys I could beat.

I like to do something good every day of my life, and I wanna leave the earth better than I found it.

I received many years of good advice from my father - how to live, how to play, how to be a gentleman.

I would like to say, however, that a man might be walking around lucky and not know it unless he tries.

Especially in wind, each shot and stance can feel different, so it's important to first get comfortable.

To inspire children is my goal. Kids need adults to help them. Behind the success of a child is an adult.

It's important for me to understand more about my swing and my game, no matter who I end up working with.

When you have a lot of confidence and you feel like nobody can beat you, it's game over for everyone else.

I can't afford the luxury of music while I'm flying an airplane. I have to pay attention to what I'm doing.

Why hit a conservative shot? When you miss it, you are in just as much trouble as when you miss a bold one.

If my dad was alive, I wouldn't have gone to boarding school, and I wouldn't have had the success I've had.

Golf never ceases to be a challenge, even when it really is just you and the ball out there and nobody else.

I never met a winner who had a work ethic. Not somebody who says I have so much talent that naturally I won.

The fans, I loved them. My mother would be in the gallery, I would look right at my mother and not remember.

I have won the Australian, I won the British, all PGA championships, but I haven't won the PGA championship.

My problem happens to be near-sightedness - inability to see distance. And this is pretty tough on a golfer.

I am a millionaire today and my wife deserves all of the credit. Before I met her I was a multi-millionaire.

First time I met Jack [Nicholas ] I had heard about his golf and prowess - I was playing in the Ohio amateur.

I am so pleased with my golf course. I am to say that it's the best I've ever seen it - without equivocation.

If Tiger Woods slamming his club into the ground is the biggest worry wehave, our sport isinprettygood shape.

I can't be casual about losing. I always think I have a chance to win until winning is absolutely impossible.

I need to get better with my 3-wood and hybrid. Those are the clubs I missed the majority of my fairways with.

Trevino is in a league by himself. We don't even count him. We figure when you come in second, you're a winner.

Golf is like 99.9 percent of my life, and then there's school. I don't get much time to go out with my friends.

What separates great players from the good ones is not so much ability as brain power and emotional equilibrium.

Putting is a fascinating, aggravating, wonderful, terrible and almost incomprehensible part of the game of golf.

I'm not much for sitting around and thinking about the past or talking about the past. What does that accomplish?

I am against making golf courses obsolete, going to the national Open and playing half the holes with a one-iron.

I am a sentimental guy, and occasionally, that lump in my throat when I speak has stopped my tongue from working.

I love team environments, like the Celtics, the Bruins. I love going into the locker room and meeting these guys.

The best putting advice I ever received was make sure you concentrate real hard on keeping that darn ball real low

It's quite nice to play on a golf course that, even though it is links, that there's not much wind, which is good.

Sometimes your immune system gets a little heated, and you're more susceptible to getting some illnesses that way.

Once you have your practice and you have your mechanics, you must be able to go out there and trust your mechanics.

Sam Snead will fly anywhere in my plane with me. Sam's not as worried about the danger as he is about saving money.

My three keys to success: One, work hard. Two, be your own person. And three, have a passion for what you're doing.

The biggest thing is, if you want it still, you'll do everything you need to do to make sure you extend your career.

I enjoyed the fans thoroughly, and they were always helpful. They were the reason that I tried so hard over the years.

I just kind of live in that world that everyone's upset with me. That's OK; I'll just go out and try and do what I do.

If you can concentrate on what you're doing and have the desire to do the things you have to do to win, you'll succeed.

I wanted to emulate my father. I wanted to be as tough as he was. I wanted to do the things that he did. I watched him.

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