I never felt I could be a complete professional without having won the British Open. It was something you had to do to complete your career.

I've been one of those people that hold on to a little bit more stress than others. People take certain situations a little bit differently.

When you're not finding the fairway, it's hard to be consistent. [Right now] I'm comfortable and I'm not so comfortable, if that makes sense.

It's just one of those things, I believe in myself and - especially with how hard I've worked - I'm one of the top five players in the world.

The biggest waste of time of my life was playing 'Call of Duty.' But I got really good at 'Call of Duty' - a little bit too good at that time.

What do I mean by concentration? I mean focusing totally on the business at hand and commanding your body to do exactly what you want it to do.

My father started on this golf course at Latrobe when he was sixteen years old. He was digging ditches when they were building the golf course.

When I was in college, I thought about becoming an attorney. But I wasn't smart enough; I hate being cooped up indoors; and I'm too nice a guy.

I don't see myself as a full-time broadcaster. I've done some of it, and I enjoy it, but I don't think I should try to make a career out of it.

Driver has always been fine, and the rest of the clubs have been fine. It's just for some reason, the 3-wood... that's just one of those clubs.

You've got to come out and fire on all cylinders and get yourself up the leaderboard and show people that you're there and you're ready to win.

When I got to the first tee on the first day, to hear the cheers, it was like all the oxygen got sucked out. It was hard to pull the club back.

When you play by the rules, defy mental demons, overcome every challenge, and enjoy a walk in the country at the same time - that's being alive.

My search for ways to improve my touch has never ended. We players tried a lot of different things and compared notes. Little fads would set in.

I have the opportunity to do that right now, to try to work as hard as I can to really leave my footprint in this game that has given me so much.

Sometimes I play for the media, sometimes for the fans, sometimes for my sponsors, and sometimes it's for my family. Really, I play for everyone.

The best part about winning the PGA is getting great pairings at tour events. Its fun to play with Phil Mickelson and other past major champions.

Anybody that worries about somebody suing them, that means that they're so crooked that they sue people, and they think people are gonna sue them.

The best part about winning the PGA is getting great pairings at tour events. It's fun to play with Phil Mickelson and other past major champions.

A lot of people think I am cold and have no feelings. But I do. I just try very hard to focus and not let my emotions take over on the golf course.

When I first came on tour, I was playing for money. Now I'm playing to win golf tournaments and the money is more than I ever dreamed I could make.

There's always motivation coming into Majors. If you can't get up and get excited to win one of these, then you probably shouldn't be playing golf.

You know that once you're successful, there's going to be good things and bad things that people say and, honestly, to me it doesn't really matter.

For years I did take my time, but that was because I hated waiting to hit shots - I adopted a pace where I didn't have to stand by my ball and wait.

To play well you have to have good balance in your life. Tiger has found that. If you play golf long enough you'll learn that life is more than golf.

I've always made a total effort, even when the odds seemed entirely against me. I never quit trying; I never felt that I didn't have a chance to win.

I didn't get playing professional golf until I was 25 years old. And I always said that if I could make it work, I would play as long as I could walk.

Ever since they announced that golf would be returning to the Olympics, I thought, 'Hey, I wanna get myself on the team.' It has always been my dream.

I'm a big kid. I love drinking chocolate milk. I'm not afraid to watch some cartoons once in a while when I'm with my nieces and actually be attentive.

It's very difficult to consistently hit good iron shots if you get off to a bad start. That's why I'm always paying attention to my setup and takeaway.

A 3-foot putt can be more nerve-racking than a 9-foot putt because a 3-foot putt you should be getting in. A 9-footer, there's a chance it won't go in.

I think the guys are more conscious of the fact that being in good physical condition under the conditions that they play will make them better players.

I've always been a big thinker that the more international competition that we create through sports the better relationships we'll have with countries.

I have to work harder than what I am now to make sure that I stay on top of this and stay on top of the world and be competitive in major championships.

Ron Syriac, a golf writer and friend, was quoted as saying, "Annika is no longer a female golfer. She's a golfer." That's truly all I ever aspired to be.

In my early days of flying, if you flew on instruments, you were inevitably going to fly in thunderstorms. That was just a part of the business of flying.

It's O.K. to fail. Just keep putting yourself there. Once I started saying that and really believing that, over time, it just gradually gave me confidence.

I think everyone expects if you're in the lead, or if you're a favourite to win, you will win, and if you don't, then you're in a slump. It's not the case.

In the past, I put too much pressure on myself. I went out there and I tried so hard to get the ball in the hole, I tried so hard to hit the perfect shots.

I think today's athletes generally are spoiled by what's happened to salaries, but I also think that golfers have maintained the best demeanor of any sport.

We just became very good friends [with Dwight Eisenhower], we played golf, we played heart exhibitions. Then his doctor said he should not play golf anymore.

I did play other sports growing up. I played cricket and all those other things, but I was just so much more talented in golf, and that's all I wanted to do.

To flight approach shots lower with the scoring clubs - what I consider my 7-iron through wedges - I stand two or three inches closer to the ball than normal.

The earliest golfing memories that I have are of the Italian Open when I was about six years of age. Watching that event is how I really got started in the game.

I stay patient. I don't go out there and try to set a course record. That's probably one of my strengths and one reason I've been able to win major championships.

I'd much rather have that pressure than be at the end of the field and no one expecting you to win. That's the kind of pressure that you've got to enjoy and love.

The fans motivated me. They gave me the incentive to want to play and to want to win and to continue to play as my career progressed. They were never a distraction.

There is no king of golf. Never has been, never will be. Golf is the most democratic game on Earth... It punishes and exalts us all with splendid equal opportunity.

Using TrackMan is very important in the development of your golf game because it gives you such good data on what your golf swing is doing and where it needs to go.

When it comes right down to it, I don't care if I like the person I'm paired with or if the person likes me as long as it works and it sets up the team for success.

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