I can dodge bullets, baby!

Poker is supposed to be fun.

I've busted a million Europeans

I'm the good guy, I'm a family guy.

My wife is incredibly supportive of me.

All I want are titles and nothing less.

Let me complain-it's good for television.

So, if I had a mentor, it was Johnny Moss.

Writing about poker is one of my passions.

When I lose a big pot, I go a little crazy.

We never talk about gambling around my house.

Just play every hand, you can't miss them all.

Michael Phelps truly has a ton of poker talent.

I still have the mentality of a 19-year-old mind.

I'm pretty tall, and I'm always dressed in black.

I played so perfect, I couldn't play more perfect.

I'm a big believer in the power of your own words.

My favorite poker game is No Limit Texas Hold 'Em.

If luck weren't involved, I'd win every tournament!

I love the fact that I can mess with someone's head.

You get your chips your way, I'll get my chips mine.

When you go card dead its torture just sitting there.

I've been an idiot at the poker table for a long time.

The one who bets the most wins. Cards just break ties.

If there weren't luck involved, I would win every time.

A man with money is no match against a man on a mission.

I guess if there weren't luck involved, I'd win 'em all.

When the cards are dealt, I just want to destroy people.

The art of reading physical tells isn't an exact science.

Show me your eyes and you may as well show me your cards.

Ninety percent of the hands aren't shown in a poker game.

I have a super-balanced life, and I'm a super balanced guy.

Hyper-aggressive poker works best in deep-stack tournaments.

The more records you put up, the longer they talk about you.

Regrettably, I've had more than a few meltdowns on television.

I'm trying to make history. I've always put history above money.

Keeping my emotions in check translates to me playing a lot better.

Look, for some players, pot odds should guide your decision making.

One of my favorite poker shows on television is 'Poker After Dark.'

If you play professionally, you can expect to go broke at some point.

I became vegan in 2006 when I started taking healthy eating seriously.

You don't need a Ph.D. in mathematics to be a successful poker player.

Everyone gets lucky once in a while, but no one is consistently lucky.

I don't want to be called a good loser. A good loser is still a loser.

The key to No-Limit... is to put a man to a decision for all his chips.

It wasn't a popular thing to be a professional poker player in the '80s.

I wanted to be famous and I wanted to make a fortune, and I've done that.

It's never a good thing when an opponent has a solid read on you pre-flop.

Premium hands are simply few and far between when large pots are at stake.

I'm so much better off when I trust my instincts. But they're not perfect.

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