Wisdom is to the soul as food is to the body.

It is gratefulness which makes the soul great.

I did not ask for success; I asked for wonder.

I was not comfortable worshipping another Jew.

I still go to a Christian priory for retreats.

Just to be is a blessing. Just to live is holy.

Teachers learn from their students' discussions

Receive all with simplicity that happens to you

Self-complacency is the companion of ignorance.

Before you can find God, you must lose yourself.

There is no greater illness than discouragement!

To serve does not mean to surrender but to share.

The road to the sacred leads through the secular.

Wise criticism always begins with self-criticism.

You nourish your soul by fulfilling your destiny.

... what counts in life usually cannot be counted.

There is no greater disease than the loss of hope.

Faced with destruction, the Jewish people survived.

Obeying from love is better than to obey from fear.

You cannot be anything if you want to be everything.

You must build your life as if it were a work of art.

Divine punishment is at once followed by Divine pity.

Wonder rather than doubt is the root of all knowledge.

I am going out one door, and shall go through another.

The meaning of the universe lies outside the universe.

Why did God create mankind? Because God likes stories.

Avoid sin: ... all your deeds are faithfully recorded.

Service of God consists in what we do to our neighbor.

Receive with simplicity everything that happens to you.

The man who has not suffered - what does he know anyway?

Being kind to others is a way of being good to yourself.

Our awareness of God starts where self-sufficiency ends.

I literally fell among Quakers when I went up to Oxford.

Man is free in his imagination, but bound by his reason.

The hour calls for moral grandeur and spiritual audacity.

Worship is a way of seeing the world in the light of God.

God is either of no importance, or of supreme importance.

The greatest single antidote to violence is conversation.

Happiness is not made by what we own. It is what we share.

I recovered my infant Judaism, but in a reformist version.

A thief is like a person who has been dead from the start.

God is not nice. God is not an uncle. God is an earthquake.

God is of no importance unless He is of supreme importance.

Hope, even more than necessity, is the mother of invention.

Divided as we may be by religion, we are united by charity.

There is no one so lonely than a man who loves only himself.

Pagans exalt sacred things, the Prophets extol sacred deeds.

feel in the rush of the passing the stillness of the eternal

Grief is like a wheel that goes around and around the world.

When you do a good turn you feel rich, even if you are broke.

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