I believe faith is not certainty but the courage to live with uncertainty.

One glorious chain of love, of giving and receiving, unites all creatures.

Forgetfulness leads to exile while remembrance is the secret of redemption.

When you are kind to others, it not only changes you, it changes the world.

The Jew does not wish to be isolated. He fears being alone, without allies.

Much of what the Bible demands can be comprised in one imperative: Remember!

We tend to take on the coloration of the setting in which we find ourselves.

Some people sleep until morning. Others know they have to bring the morning.

Faith is not the clinging to a shrine but an endless pilgrimage of the heart.

When I marched with Martin Luther King in Selma, I felt my legs were praying.

There is happiness in the love of labor, there is misery in the love of gain.

In the same proportion Russia is the misfortune of Europe and the Israelites.

The human heart in its perversity finds it hard to escape hatred and revenge.

On Shabbat something happens to the world - the world becomes infinite again.

History is written by winners, so most history books are about people who win.

I think our people in Britain have a normative expectation of ethical conduct.

I have begun to sympathetically understand Paul, though I don't like him much.

... every entity loses perfection as long as it is not fulfilling its purpose.

True salvation can come only to a person who renders service to the community.

In Judaism faith means wrestling with God as Jacob once wrestled with an angel.

Christianity had two faces which bewildered me - two pictures which didn't fit.

Mutual commitment to ideals - yes; the stifling of all dissenting notions - no.

Speech has power. Words do not fade. What starts out as a sound, ends in a deed.

A Martian would think that the English worship at supermarkets, not in churches.

There is greatness in doing something you hate for the sake of someone you love.

The test of love is in how one relates not to saints and scholars but to rascals.

In prayer we shift the center of living from self-consciousness to self-surrender

Faith like Job's cannot be shaken becasue it is the result of having been shaken.

Forgiveness is a favor we do for ourselves, not a favor we do to the other party.

We have no idea where the world is going, except that it's going there very fast.

I began to see that my problems, seen spiritually, were really my soul's plusses.

I have ended as a Reform Rabbi, grateful to Christianity for so many good things.

It is not possible to unknow what you do know - the result of that is fanaticism.

Because unity and friendship is so precious that even God wants to be part of it.

If I were a CEO of a company and ran it like God runs the universe, I'd be fired.

The course of life is unpredictable no one can write his autobiography in advance.

We can never sneer at the stars, mock the dawn, or scoff at the totality of being.

A prophet's true greatness is his ability to hold God and man in a single thought.

God, who neither causes nor prevents tragedies, helps by inspiring people to help.

But time is yet another of God's creations, and as such, it has a life of its own.

Ten percent of life is what happens; the other 90 percent is what you do about it.

When I was young, I admired clever people. Now that I am old, I admire kind people.

Parenthood involves massive sacrifice: money, attention, time and emotional energy.

In Judaism social action is religiousness, and religiousness implies social action.

All that is left is to us is our being horrified at the loss of our sense of horror.

Only a life of goodness and honesty leaves us feeling spiritually healthy and human.

We need to rediscover the idea of the common good and work together to build a home.

You cannot add more minutes to the day, but you can utilize each one to the fullest.

Freedom... leads those who have more than they need to share with those who have less

The supreme religious challenge is to see God’s image in one who is not in our image.

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