With wealth comes responsibility.

Giving is what makes a nation great.

Islamophobia is a complex phenomenon.

Faced with destruction, the Jewish people survived.

The meaning of the universe lies outside the universe.

Why did God create mankind? Because God likes stories.

The greatest single antidote to violence is conversation.

Happiness is not made by what we own. It is what we share.

Hope, even more than necessity, is the mother of invention.

I do not want to suggest that you have to be religious to be moral.

The twenty-first century is, and will remain, the Age of Insecurity.

It is through exchange that difference becomes a blessing, not a curse.

I believe faith is not certainty but the courage to live with uncertainty.

I think our people in Britain have a normative expectation of ethical conduct.

In Judaism faith means wrestling with God as Jacob once wrestled with an angel.

A Martian would think that the English worship at supermarkets, not in churches.

We have no idea where the world is going, except that it's going there very fast.

Parenthood involves massive sacrifice: money, attention, time and emotional energy.

We need to rediscover the idea of the common good and work together to build a home.

The supreme religious challenge is to see God’s image in one who is not in our image.

Much can and must be done by governments, but they cannot of themselves change lives.

Freedom... leads those who have more than they need to share with those who have less

To defend a country you need an army, but to defend a civilization you need education.

The people of Israel are entitled, as is any other nation, to live in peace and safety.

No great achiever - even those who made it seem easy - ever succeeded without hard work.

Marriage, sanctified by the bond of fidelity, is the nearest life gets to a work of art.

There's always hope. You can lose everything else in the world, but Jews never lose hope.

To defend a country, you need an army, but to defend a civilization, you need education...

Cyberspace can't compensate for real space. We benefit from chatting to people face to face.

The Holocaust survivors are among the most inspiring people I have had the privilege to meet.

Since the 18th century, many Western intellectuals have predicted religion's imminent demise.

The market economy is very good at wealth creation but not perfect at all about wealth distribution.

Find people not to envy but to admire. Do not the profitable but the admirable deed. Live by ideals.

Science takes things apart to see how they work. Religion puts things together to see what they mean.

When money rules, we remember the price of things and forget the value of things, and that is dangerous.

As the political leaders of Europe meet to save the euro and European Union, so should religious leaders.

Values are tapes we play on the Walkman of the mind: any tune we choose so long as it does not disturb others.

The universe is more than mere matter in motion. It and we were brought into being by a Creator who seeks our good.

While we can remember the past, we cannot write the future. Only our children, the future of our community, can do that.

In our interconnected world, we must learn to feel enlarged, not threatened, by difference - that is what I have argued.

The royals - all of them, especially Prince Philip and Prince Charles - have done outstanding work with the faith communities.

God is back and Europe as a whole still doesn't get it. It is our biggest single collective cultural and intellectual blind spot.

Follow your passion. Nothing - not wealth, success, accolades or fame - is worth spending a lifetime doing things you don't enjoy.

Governments cannot make marriages or turn feckless individuals into responsible citizens. That needs another kind of change agent.

A society in which there are high levels of voluntary activity will simply be a better, happier place than one where there are not.

The evidence shows that religious people - defined by regular attendance at a place of worship - actually do make better neighbors.

The evidence shows that religious people - defined by regular attendance at a place of worship - actually do make better neighbours.

Religiosity turns out to be the best indicator of civic involvement: it's more accurate than education, age, income, gender or race.

The world we build tomorrow is born in the stories we tell our children today. Politics moves the pieces. Education changes the game.

The first of the request prayers in the daily Amidah is a fractal. It replicates in miniature the structure of the Amidah as a whole.

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