Live TV is no joke.

I like to get wild.

Always be consistent.

I ain't got no rhythm.

Jet lag is for amateurs.

Being gay is not a crime.

I'm the voice of honesty.

I'm not used to a script.

My behavior is humiliating.

I've gone to a tanning bed.

I'm really going to miss me.

I'm shy in my personal life.

You have to empower yourself.

Don't let the government win.

I will never feel successful.

I don't talk about my salary.

...uncorny, human sized drama

I didn't listen to executives.

We shouldn't have free speech.

Kids do say the darndest things

I go to a therapist every week.

I'm not looking for a paycheck.

I like excess. And giant M&M's.

Failure? Scared to death of it.

I'm obsessed with fresh breath.

I'm a slightly obnoxious person.

My favorite pastime is to write.

I don't make culture. I sell it.

I'd like to make time slow down.

I don't Botox. I've never Botoxed.

It's no treat being in bed with me.

Your secret is safe with me, Kal-El

Don't pull your love out on me baby.

Music is the soundtrack of your life.

Music always sounds better on Friday.

those who fail to plan, plan to fail!

Being an ex-child star is not a given.

I had a dream. I had an awesome dream.

Men come and go but bills are forever.

I have to prove myself five times over.

Mike Walker is the Hemingway of gossip.

I'm down with just the Backstreet Boys.

There were no dead bodies in Watergate.

I had also done a little disc jockeying.

I feel blessed, I really feel fulfilled.

You just have to fight your way through.

I don't think I've ever stolen anything.

Today is the best day I could ever have.

I'm a Yente and I have a terrible accent.

Give the enemy an inch, hell take a yard.

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