Be as radical as Reality.

Revolutions are always verbose.

Fascism is capitalism in decay.

The best form of saying is doing.

Sometimes - history needs a push.

Words without deeds are worthless.

The goal of socialism is communism.

Be realistic, demand the impossible!

Crime is a product of social excess.

Free speech is a bourgeois prejudice.

Fascism is a caricature of Jacobinism.

We are not shooting enough professors.

It's not my fault if reality is Marxist

Our party's most outstanding mediocrity.

Democracy is indispensable to socialism.

Three keys to success: read, read, read.

Every cook must learn to rule the State.

Mexicans are a band of illiterate Indians.

One must endure without losing tenderness.

A lie told often enough becomes the truth.

Fascism is nothing but capitalist reaction.

Any cook should be able to run the country.

Imperialism: The final stage of Capitalism.

Let's be realistic. Let's do the impossible!

Fascism is nothing but capitalist reaction...

You cannot make a revolution in white gloves.

Sometimes quantity has a quality all its own.

Silence is argument carried out by other means.

We will not accept any conditions from the U.S.

I feel here that this time they have succeeded.

One man with a gun can control 100 without one.

Words that do not match deeds are not important.

He who slanders the victim aids the executioner.

Peace, Land, and Bread! All power to the Soviet!

Every cook has to learn how to govern the state.

How can you make a revolution without executions?

Learning is never done without errors and defeat.

Chess is only a recreation and not an occupation.

To accomplish much you must first lose everything.

The motive force of history is truth and not lies.

Medicine is the keystone of the arch of socialism.

We shall not achieve socialism without a struggle.

There can be nothing more abominable than religion.

Bah, tombstones are only good for pigeons to sit on

Let the world change you and you can change the world

Democracy is not compatible with financial oligarchy.

In a revolution one wins or dies, if it is a real one

War cannot be abolished unless classes are abolished.

You must have your heart on fire and your brain on ice.

One must always try to be as radical as reality itself.

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