I love the Olympics.

Softball is my life.

I don't filter things really.

When I lose, I take it very personally.

I'm a role model for lots of young girls.

My family vacations were softball tournaments.

College was the greatest four years of my life.

To some Softball is a game; to others it's Life.

It's so empowering to see yourself as a machine.

The most erratic thing I ever did was going blonde.

I don't shy away from softball being my background.

There's nothing better than working up a good sweat.

I really try hard to give consistently good analysis.

You don't need to be an athlete to enjoy the outdoors.

I'm pretty adaptable and can adjust to any environment.

I get has been great. It has opened so many doors for me.

It's all about balance and, I think, being in the moment.

Running a marathon is something I've always wanted to do.

College softball each year reaches new levels of interest.

Never limit yourself, never be satisfied, and smile-it's free!

I could have never dreamed what an amazing ride this has been.

The Olympic Games are the greatest sporting event in the world.

Whatever I am doing at that moment, I want to make the most of it.

I mean, I love winning, but losing is a much more intense feeling.

When I was a kid, I dreamed of using a bat with my own name on it.

My introduction to sports was through baseball. That's all I knew.

Throwing a ball is not natural, whether it's overhand or underhand.

I like it when my heart's pounding and I'm sweating and I'm nervous.

It is incredible how far women have come and women in sports have come.

Playing USA Softball has been more to me than I ever imagined possible.

It should be common knowledge that women and men can talk about sports.

This whole career has been way more than I ever even imagined or dreamed.

We had to adjust and threw a few more rise balls and curves but it worked.

My goal is to never lose. That may not be realistic, but I'm going to try.

I may be wearing makeup, but I can throw a fastball by you at the same time.

I'm living a dream. I hope in 10 years people will know me as a gold medalist.

I love being outside with my boys, playing tag or trying to keep up with them.

You don't take a class; you're thrown into motherhood and learn from experience.

It is one thing to play for your university. It is another to play for your country.

I think we should always challenge ourselves to do things that have never been done.

Being fit and being in the best shape that I can be helps me be the best mom as well.

I've face more than 35 major leaguers, and only two have ever made contact against me.

I can't tell you how much I respect all the single parents out there doing it all solo.

I've faced more than 35 major leaguers, and only two have ever made contact against me.

It's important to be a positive female role model in a world with a lot of Kardashians.

I don't want to be just a face. I want to go out there and prove something on the field.

If you're going to put me in the booth, make sure it's because I'm good enough to be there.

I felt good in the bullpen and even when we came out in the first inning I felt fairly good.

Try not to get lost in comparing yourself to others. Discover your gifts and let them shine!

Got any pitches? I got five pitches-rise-ball, curveball, screwball, drop-ball and changeup.

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