Brady Hoke is an underdog. He has an attitude, a chip. He's self-made. He always has something to prove.

Segregation has never been a shadowy, impossible-to-pin-down conspiracy. It's been an American way of life.

That's the greatest compliment I can get: when somebody from Key West says, 'Hey, Bubba.' That means I'm in!

For as many people as I quote-unquote lost respect from, I gained respect from a lot more. I know that's a fact.

Chick Hearn taught me how to play basketball, how to think about basketball. He taught me how to love basketball.

Johnny U was an American original, a piece of work like none other, excepting maybe Paul Bunyan and Horatio Alger.

It is not, nor will it ever be, white people's responsibility to teach black children our unique American history.

I came up with the name 'The Undefeated' the day Maya Angelou died. It took eight months to get the name approved.

Writing is very much like bricklaying. You learn to put one brick on top of another and spread the mortar so thick.

God is the embodiment of love and we are a society that seems to be embracing and favoring hate and empowering hate.

Nobody's bigger than the game of baseball. You ask pitchers from 10-15-20 years ago. That's normal. Part of the game.

I'll forever be grateful to NPR that they gave me such extraordinary freedom... It was 37 years of a fond relationship.

Sports culture has long been patriotic, tolerant of diverse backgrounds and perspective and celebratory of meritocracy.

Exactly how intricate a sport is jogging? You were two years old. You ran after the cat. You pretty much had it mastered

Pete Rose may not make the Hall of Fame, but a statue of him is going to be erected outside the Cincinnati Reds ballpark.

In entertainment value, the Democratic clambake usually lays it over the Republican conclave like ice cream over parsnips.

Jim Crow had unintended benefits. It forced blacks to build and rely on their own economic, educational and social systems.

'SI' came to me and said, 'We want you to do a story on Russell as the greatest team player,' which I certainly agreed with.

Sports culture has long had a major impact on American culture. The values taught and celebrated in sports are conservative.

Professional sports have built themselves on the celebration of Americana, the ideas and values that best exemplify America.

No other powerful public figure in the history of American media has controlled his narrative as effectively as David Stern.

In the television era, the second week of the Olympics is reserved for what is considered the marquee event: track and field.

Yes, the Masters is too stylish to be an American icon. It's as out of character for Uncle Sam as a McDonald's is for France.

I think one of the most immoral things is college football and basketball, where everybody is making money except the players.

Now it is done. Now the story ends. And there is no way to tell it. The art of fiction is dead. Reality has strangled invention.

Follow the wisdom of the great actor, James Cagney, you hit your mark, you look the other guy in the eye, and you tell the truth.

Words matter, particularly when you're writing a story that could significantly damage a person's or an organization's reputation.

There are some books that get huge numbers of positive reviews, but reading them satiates people. They say, 'I've read enough now'.

Any sportswriter who thinks the world is no bigger than the outfield fence in not only a bad citizen, but also a lousy sportswriter.

Seriously, I was the wrong fit at ESPN. Definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

Take your money, pool your resources and support people who actually represent your views and have the time to be full-time involved.

In fact, female slam-dunking as a spectator sport died this week when Candace Parker won the McDonald's All-American slam-dunk contest.

My dad didn't graduate high school. My mom is a high school graduate. My mom is a factory worker. My dad owned a bar in the inner city.

If you engage with the police, filled with fear, you're more likely to make really bad decisions that than provoke them to take action.

You can't equate the game we play to a war. Kellen Winslow said he's a soldier. No, he's not. This is not a war...not a good comparison.

Modern political liberalism, particularly its racial orthodoxy, is the science of excuse-making, the training of black minds for failure.

The Russians have a weapon that can wipe out two hundred eighty thousand Americans. That puts them exactly ten years behind Howard Cosell.

Golf is the cruelest game, because eventually it will drag you out in front of the whole school, take your lunch money and slap you around.

Media are focused on comments Michael Jordan made about race which appear in my book. He made those comments years ago, talking of his youth

I eat raw vegetables. But my 30 for 30 documentary better include sit-down interviews with Ronald McDonald, Colonel Sanders and Little Debbie.

I have known writers who paid no damned attention whatever to the rules of grammar and rhetoric and somehow made the language behave for them.

Muhammad Ali is a combination of personality and athlete who is probably better known around the world than any other. He became a great hero.

ESPN is all meat and potatoes. It's pretty much scouting reports. There isn't a great deal of humor, and when there is, it's pretty sophomoric.

On Monument Avenue in Richmond, Va., there are statues of five Confederate luminaries and then, incongruously in this company, one of Arthur Ashe.

There are too many governing bodies. They're all corrupt. I think they have replaced the old Mobsters with the kind of 'corporate rule' of boxing.

Sport is an art: it has incredible appeal everywhere on this earth, and it fills so many human hearts with passion that it's impossible to dismiss.

Trust is what leads to the best conversations. People take chances and say what they really think when they trust the person they're engaging with.

I was a much better writer than I was an athlete. My college coach told me flat out, he said, "Deford, you write basketball better than you play it."

While swimming was always a spotlight sport, I was, if you will, sort of present at the creation when gymnastics became the new star lead-off hitter.

Pete Rozelle used television to get the game to the American public by creating the Super Bowl and making it the biggest sporting event in the world.

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