It is well known that the older a man grows, the faster he could run as a boy.

I received $100 per week when I started working at the Globe after graduation.

The thorough bred against a clamor, or rather the Porsche vs. the pickup truck.

I'm still the kid who grew up with ink on his hands from delivering newspapers.

Having failed as an NFL commentator, Limbaugh understands the power of football.

We have grown comfortable not having our perspective challenged. It's unhealthy.

Im afraid Wisconsin is you, Nebraska, only with much better parties and more wins.

NPR allowed me to treat sports seriously, as another branch on the tree of culture.

You can tell all you need to about a society from how it treats animals and beaches.

Hockey is the only place where a guy can go nowadays and watch two white guys fight.

I don't think we use television the way we should or the way the inventors intended.

The dollar is a winner. The euro is a tie. Get off the dime, Europe, and play to win.

It's hard to break through the clutter of fighters out there trying to get attention.

There's never been a finer man in American sports than John Wooden, or a finer coach.

I think I would die if I couldn't get to the typewriter every day. I really need that.

The ability of players to jump teams when their contracts are up has hurt fan loyalty.

Usually when an athlete gets a reputation it sticks with him, even when he's an old man.

The strike zone should be what the rule book says it is and not a personal idiosyncrasy.

You have to do what the market requires of you... You either keep swimming, or you sink.

I believe that professional wrestling is clean and everything else in the world is fixed.

I was a terrible Sugar Babies addict, so I had more cavities than the surface of the moon.

Personally, I'm not all that interested in making the show appealing to casual sports fans.

The more popular and entertaining college basketball is, the more popular the NBA would be.

Sports culture is not PC or far left. There are no safe spaces in the field of competition.

Ninety feet between the bases is the nearest thing to perfection that man has yet achieved.

The wonderful thing about television is the immediate impact of pictures of current events.

Atlanta is Exhibit A in my belief that the marriage between hip-hop and sports is a failure.

It was an ideal day for football - too cold for the spectators and too cold for the players.

The Cowboys were never America's team any more than Anthony Weiner was America's congressman.

Betting stimulates the caring glands. That is where there is so much caring at the racetrack.

Owners own teams so that they might move them to another municipality with better luxury boxes.

Each time you decide to grow again, you realize you're starting at the bottom of another ladder.

Fernando Vargas may have had a 6-pack in his stomach, but he didn't have a six-pack on his chin.

Jameel McCline acts as if attacking Wladimir Klitschko is akin to attacking Russia during winter

Writing is easy. Just sit in front of a typewriter, open up a vein and bleed it out drop by drop.

Ninety feet between home plate and first base may be the closest man has ever come to perfection.

I worked in Ann Arbor for two years, covering Michigan football and basketball in the early 1990s.

Dez Bryant isn't a quarterback. He's not a leader. He's a talented, high-maintenance wide receiver.

Racism is an issue in America but is primarily an issue for the poor. It's not LeBron James' issue.

Was it your strategy to just take as much punishment as you could and then hope he would fall down?

My responsibility is to get the story right. I can't predict or be concerned with the consequences.

The one good thing about television is the money; you can make a lot more money than in newspapers.

Our conversations on 'The Herd' are irreverent, insightful and original. That's a great combination.

Don't dismiss Auriemma and UConn just because their excellence shines on the female side of the coin.

The future is electronic. It's radio, television and the Internet; it's not really newspapers anymore.

I predict that many teams will go out of business and the size of the leagues will be greatly reduced.

I don't do stand-up anymore. There are no rules in stand-up comedy. Journalists follow plenty of rules.

I write the story that nobody reads. Someday, I'm going to write it in German to see if anyone notices.

The building of publicly funded stadiums has become a substitue for anything resembling an urban policy.

You're writing about young, vibrant people; there are wins and losses. In other words, it's great drama.

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