RG III a victim of his own swagger.

The greatest obstacle to success is an excuse.

Self-analysis is the sworn enemy of regret-free living.

Judge my columns, enjoy my tweets. That's my philosophy.

Black people have no reason to fear political free agency.

I'm a sports columnist who specializes in social commentary.

False equivalency is the lifeblood of American public debate.

You can be authentic without being distasteful or disrespectful.

Managing the Royals is a job for a man playing without a full deck.

Coaches don't like lazy, disrespectful, cancerous massive headaches.

The worst thing to be in America and anywhere on the planet is poor.

Have I been an entertainer, a provocateur and a humorist? Absolutely.

I'm a conservative dude from the Midwest. I went crazy out here in LA.

People who commit crimes are generally reluctant to tell on themselves.

Whatever my critics say, I've been a hard-core journalist all my career.

I wanted to leave ESPN when control of 'The Undefeated' was taken from me.

Far-left political ideologues want to reshape sports culture to their liking.

Having failed as an NFL commentator, Limbaugh understands the power of football.

We have grown comfortable not having our perspective challenged. It's unhealthy.

Personally, I'm not all that interested in making the show appealing to casual sports fans.

The more popular and entertaining college basketball is, the more popular the NBA would be.

Sports culture is not PC or far left. There are no safe spaces in the field of competition.

Atlanta is Exhibit A in my belief that the marriage between hip-hop and sports is a failure.

I worked in Ann Arbor for two years, covering Michigan football and basketball in the early 1990s.

Racism is an issue in America but is primarily an issue for the poor. It's not LeBron James' issue.

Dez Bryant isn't a quarterback. He's not a leader. He's a talented, high-maintenance wide receiver.

Our conversations on 'The Herd' are irreverent, insightful and original. That's a great combination.

I don't do stand-up anymore. There are no rules in stand-up comedy. Journalists follow plenty of rules.

Brady Hoke is an underdog. He has an attitude, a chip. He's self-made. He always has something to prove.

Segregation has never been a shadowy, impossible-to-pin-down conspiracy. It's been an American way of life.

I came up with the name 'The Undefeated' the day Maya Angelou died. It took eight months to get the name approved.

It is not, nor will it ever be, white people's responsibility to teach black children our unique American history.

God is the embodiment of love and we are a society that seems to be embracing and favoring hate and empowering hate.

Sports culture has long been patriotic, tolerant of diverse backgrounds and perspective and celebratory of meritocracy.

Jim Crow had unintended benefits. It forced blacks to build and rely on their own economic, educational and social systems.

No other powerful public figure in the history of American media has controlled his narrative as effectively as David Stern.

Sports culture has long had a major impact on American culture. The values taught and celebrated in sports are conservative.

Professional sports have built themselves on the celebration of Americana, the ideas and values that best exemplify America.

Words matter, particularly when you're writing a story that could significantly damage a person's or an organization's reputation.

Seriously, I was the wrong fit at ESPN. Definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

Take your money, pool your resources and support people who actually represent your views and have the time to be full-time involved.

If you engage with the police, filled with fear, you're more likely to make really bad decisions that than provoke them to take action.

My dad didn't graduate high school. My mom is a high school graduate. My mom is a factory worker. My dad owned a bar in the inner city.

In fact, female slam-dunking as a spectator sport died this week when Candace Parker won the McDonald's All-American slam-dunk contest.

Modern political liberalism, particularly its racial orthodoxy, is the science of excuse-making, the training of black minds for failure.

I eat raw vegetables. But my 30 for 30 documentary better include sit-down interviews with Ronald McDonald, Colonel Sanders and Little Debbie.

Trust is what leads to the best conversations. People take chances and say what they really think when they trust the person they're engaging with.

Certain people and groups seem invested in convincing black people that black people are liberal. We've traditionally been conservative, church-going people.

Basketball should be more popular. In my opinion, the NBA should rival the NFL. At the very least, no way should the NFL be five times more popular than the NBA.

I don't have a beef with Texas. I just don't think Texans know anything about basketball and they don't have a sense of humor. Texans take themselves too seriously.

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