[On U.S. universities:] The bland leading the bland.

Poetry is the connecting link between body and mind.

A low-minded person should not be given good advice.

Disappointment results from the removal of illusion.

The artist has tremendous power to change the world.

Go into seclusion and rest your mind on the silence.

Judging your early artistic efforts is artist abuse.

When we walk, the two halves of our brains converse.

Agendas tend to drain the life out of relationships.

Slow down and think about the lessons of the elders.

When you don't want to be interesting, you are free.

What we do as an individual affects the whole world.

Before me, there was no money, no business with yoga.

We are caught in a traffic jam of discursive thought.

You can't feel the earth if you can't feel the space.

What are we doing here? We're reaching for the stars!

Often it is tenacity, not talent, that rules the day.

You believe in God? Believe also in your imagination.

If you think you're free, there's no escape possible.

Do not stop trying just because perfection eludes you.

Yoga aims for complete awareness in everything you do.

True concentration is an unbroken thread of awareness.

Life itself seeks fulfillment as plants seek sunlight.

If you have the right mind, your body can do anything.

What I was is unimportant, what I am now is important.

Manhood coerced into sensitivity is no manhood at all.

It's patriarchal society that has freed me as a woman.

Do not say, What what fear has a rich man of calamity.

The English wouldn't give you the steam of their piss.

The highest that a man can attain is to be able to do.

Water seeks its own level and water rises collectively

You are your own Promised Land, your own new frontier.

The hardest part of growing up is learning how to wait

The ways of the mind are ancient, but you are timeless

Where knowledge ends... feeling and imagination begin.

Only that in you which is me can hear what I'm saying.

If you keep your armpits open, you won't get depressed.

Know your capacities and continually improve upon them.

Relaxation: In. Every. Pose. There. Should. Be. Repose.

All games are meaningless if you do not know the rules.

A society that forgets about art risks loslng its soul.

Sex at age 90 is like trying to shoot pool with a rope.

Love is the spirit that motivates the artist's journey.

I can't go back. The past won't go away in this family.

As you move toward a dream, the dream moves toward you.

Possibility is far more frightening than impossibility.

What's green, hangs on a wall and whistles? [A Herring]

Her cooking suggested she had attended the Cordon Noir.

You are the unchanging manifesting as the changefulness

We can't have happiness if we cause others unhappiness.

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