Hollywood has to diversify.

Balance is the enemy of art.

I resent all organised religions.

Film has to reflect the real world.

My hand trembles, my heart does not.

I love comedy. It's where my heart is.

I'm a recovering journalist, I should say.

When you come to Venice, you do special work.

Actors enjoy being treated as ordinary people.

A good film to me is like lightning in a bottle.

I put the heart attack down to 66 cigarettes a day.

We shoot double episodes in 15 days in Los Angeles.

The more times people laugh, the better the film is.

A British villain never loses their sense of humour.

If people aren't in sync, things won't work out well.

Adam Shankman has got such love and passion for dance.

My films seem to be about men's struggle with failure.

Every action has a consequence, so always try to be good.

I think people enjoy finding out something genuinely new.

When I was eight years old, I knew I wanted to make films.

There were no previews; we made the film we wanted to make.

Racism was never acceptable to the people who suffer from it.

I had kind of a rough childhood, so I created my own reality.

We use a lot of source music on some shows and none on others.

I have a yearning someday to do one of these huge juggernauts.

The arts are weapons of understanding and weapons of happiness.

But I guess everything in life is a bit disappointing, isn't it?

I've always been a bit of a sound freak in the movies I've done.

It takes two to make a relationship, but only one to screw it up.

Dark impulses certainly exist in me and, I think, in most people.

There's always been an ongoing struggle between commerce and art.

There's no question 'Amazing Race' is a beautifully produced show.

You're not limited by your circumstances only by your imagination.

I think English film is very embarrassed by patriotism, generally.

Obviously it was an out of body experience to win an Academy Award.

Some of my most special shooting experiences have been at weekends.

Nicki Minaj I think is one of the best judges I've ever worked with.

The principle of acting in good faith is at the heart of decent work.

Don't dumb it down. The audience is smart and gets what you are doing.

Comedians want to be rock legends for a day - that sounds fun to them.

Hip-hop is a way of life. It isn't a genre in truth in 'American Idol.'

It's a horrible feeling to be mocked and ridiculed because of your race.

Howard Minsky had gotten the script to her agent prior to my involvement.

Darren Criss in particular enjoys his spanking. In case you were curious.

All racism is wrong, and denying that it exists does not make it go away.

Nowadays filmmakers tend to recycle the same cliches over and over again.

Discover your strengths and then hone them and be who you are meant to be.

Great acting is all about being in the moment, being in the present tense.

I'm the son of highly functioning parents who I'm incredibly lucky to have.

It's so embarrassing to receive an award for doing what you should be doing.

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