I am not driven.

Up is never where you are now.

What musicals need is a new me.

Boxing is show-business with blood.

I've never had a very great public life.

Innovators are inevitably controversial.

I had set a goal of being a producer by 25.

'Showboat' is the quintessential family show.

Producing should be a creative responsibility.

Art in America has always been regarded as a luxury.

Constrained circumstances can bring the best out of you.

I love architecture almost as much as I love my musicals.

We mustn't waste time; for that's the stuff life's made of.

Theater going is a communal act, movie going a solitary one.

People hate what they don't understand and try to destroy it.

If there's too much of you around, people can get tired of you.

Youth lives in an atmosphere of energy waiting to make contact.

I've never been able to understand where great artists come from.

I never know what is going to have that 'X' factor and what isn't.

I wouldn't want to be just pigeonholed as an extravagant director.

Despite the successes, you remember the failures - rather lovingly.

A star may guarantee business, but the tradeoff is a very short run.

I don't like being in debt, and I wouldn't borrow money for anything.

Criticism is valuable... and self-congratulatory experiences are not.

I don't think there's a defined contemporary American musical, do you?

I love big, bold, truthful theater - the tradition of Victorian theater.

Forty years later, people still swear they can hear his offstage scream.

I can't say no. But I did say, "OK. But have another song just in case."

We've got to find a way to protect the process of making musical theater.

I've taken considerable gambles on shows, but they're very considered gambles.

I am in that glorious position where I can redesign and re-package my own work.

I'd rather be a success as a fish than a failure as a fish trying to be a bird.

I've spent more money on my theatres since I bought them than I did buying them.

I saw 'On The Town' about nine times. I discovered it. I loved it. I was in college.

The musical is the one area of the theater that can give you the biggest buzz of all.

I have a terrible memory because I'm not interested in the past. It's done, it's done.

Throwing money at something doesn't really create - forgive me that onerous word - art.

I didn't go into the theater to be a producer, I went into the theater to be a director.

I'm always glad to see somebody rethink something rather than reproduce something I did.

I always had a good time in theatre, even when shows don't turn out as well as I'd like.

If you can't write your idea on the back of my calling card, you don't have a clear idea.

The love that previously dared not speak its name has now grown hoarse from screaming it.

Audiences are quite happy to be astonished, and they don't care who does that astonishing.

I've seen a lot of 'Show Boats,' but I've never seen the one that thoroughly satisfies me.

I know I'm in the exceptional position of having money but I didn't have it for many decades.

My dream is to be on my boat. Or on an island. Or in my house in the country. That's my dream.

I really don't spend time thinking about the past. I think about the future. I'm not stopping.

There have always been revivals. Some have always been successful. And many of them have failed.

Nothing is staged exactly as it was, because I can't remember - and I consider that an advantage.

The perfect expression of receiving a lifetime award is to be working when they're handing it out.

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