Refugees don't make our country less safe. But xenophobia, fear and hate do.

America needs to rethink how we distribute our foreign aid around the world.

Some people say I'm a young man in a hurry. Well, guess what: they're right.

Any effort to create a second class of Americans, I just can't swallow that.

Human-caused climate change threatens almost every aspect of human existence.

In the business world, if you're not looking ahead, you're missing something.

Competition is good for consumers. It provides more choices at better prices.

Baseball has long been a national pastime that many Americans have cherished.

I want to work on changing the way this country views exercise and nutrition.

We strive for error-free medicine in a world that is sometimes all too human.

Before we get started, let's all say 'Happy Birthday' to Elvis Presley today.

That's what healthcare reform is about: the middle class's economic security.

I mean, to call the press the enemy is dangerous and just remarkably bizarre.

Having passion does not mean you have to descend into bickering and fighting.

I've learned to be pragmatic, but I don't sacrifice my principles, my values.

No one branch of the U.S. government should have supremacy over the other two.

When the money dries up, the sites die off. That's the way to go after piracy.

If our country is to advance, let it be upon the legs of lessons well-learned.

I am committed to leveling the playing field and expanding opportunity to all.

I think that women are much more collaborative; men are much more competitive.

There's no question about the fact that for Democrats, Texas is a tough place.

Every town has become a border town and every State has become a border State.

It's part of Satan, I think, to say that this is "gay". It's anything but gay.

My future is full - it is limitless - and my passions for America will remain.

I think conditions on the ground determine what you need in a particular area.

I believe in the principles that built America, I believe in the Constitution.

The president's come out with rules that say 'no new coal-fired power plants.’

if you get sick, America, the Republican health care plan is this: Die quickly.

We have Democrats saying dumb things every single day, and Republicans as well.

You make America great by making America available to a wide variety of people.

Only Congress can treat the gaping wound that is our broken immigration system.

As a matter of principle, Republicans do not believe in federal price controls.

I'll look and pick the best, and the one who can do the best job for the party.

Many people live alone and like it, but most of them live alone and look at it.

Carbon dioxide is natural. It is not harmful. It is part of Earth's life cycle.

I don't have the time. It would take me too long to go through all of the math.

I was a big fan of Ronald Reagan. He was the first president I got to vote for.

Paying for disasters and being fiscally responsible are not mutually exclusive.

President Trump has often crossed the line of what constitutes decent behavior.

I can't comment on what every single presidential candidate is saying or doing.

While prices of goods continue to rise, American worker's wages remain stagnant.

I want to see America thrive. I want to see all different families here succeed.

I just believe that if I work hard and do well, who knows what the future holds?

I think people's interpretation of a body slam is different than the techniques.

I'm an affectionate person I'm a person who hugs, hugs people and I shake hands.

Here's the problem if you keep raising tax rates: You slow down economic growth.

I would like to see additional funding for entrepreneurial development programs.

In my experience, bad actors respond to threats of military action or sanctions.

Safely welcoming those seeking refuge into our country is the right thing to do.

Anybody that's been in an election, you're always looking to get the upper hand.

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