I wasn't aware of it at the time, but I was a big favorite with the Mafia.

I'm a family oriented guy; I've personally started four or five this year.

I don't get all the women that I want... I get all the women that want me.

Bhakti yoga isn't something you join, it's love. It means falling in love.

I’m a lunatic by nature, and lunatics don’t need training – they just are.

Conceived in anger, addicted to hate, the mutant child of a twisted state.

Kill Rock Stars allowed me to put out a real genuine rock 'n' roll record.

Girls were coming from every angle. I couldn't love them all. But I tried.

But, if there's any aspect of my career that needs attention, it's writing.

Im Sorry was one of the first songs to come out of Nashville using strings.

People are making their own records in their houses. It's an exciting time.

Hanuman not only gives liberation, he also fulfills our beneficial desires.

I hope that I'm also maturing emotionally as a human being as things go on.

Five years ago we were working on a new album when my health began failing.

Being sober on a bus is, like, totally different than being drunk on a bus.

Condemned to violence, arrested by pain. Inside the soul lies a man insane.

To be a liar, you've got to have a great memory, and I don't have a memory.

I really enjoy creating music onstage, to participate in making music live.

Somehow credibility comes into play if you do things that are too familiar.

I refuse to be beaten in any way shape or form, so I'm gonna beat this too.

The only people who put iced tea in Jack Daniel's bottles is the Clash baby!

Self-tragedy is always a great way to dramatize yourself - ask any teenager.

We miss a lot in life because we don't know when to quit, what to leave out.

I've listened to Jazz since I was born and always knew I'd be a Jazz singer!

Reading is one of the greatest forms of magic available to us on the planet.

The best thing is being really close. The worst thing is being really close.

No beehive. Beehives - we sort of put them - well, we revive them sometimes.

It's a lovely thing to have people in any circumstance appreciate your work.

People want to have access to jazz because it has a vibe that's very strong.

I'll buy myself some plastic water, I should have married Lennon's daughter.

Leonard Chess passed, and that was the end of the Chess label for that time.

It's a lot easier to sabotage your career than to have a career to sabotage.

I think that love is just as important and prevalent and real as it ever was.

Whatever happened to the tomboy I used to be, the slightly rebellious rocker?

It's not who wants to sleep with you; It's who wants to sleep with you again.

The light you see at the end of the tunnel is the front of an oncoming train.

I don't care to dress up except when it is necessary or good for my business.

Though I was a Catholic, I recognized that Protestant churches had something.

People always want reasons for things ... but sometimes there are no reasons.

You want to make a record that stands the test of time and that people enjoy.

I saw your wife the other day and she is ugly. I know, but she sure can cook.

If I could pick my wife by name, It'd be Whitney. That name just sounds right

The B-52s are all about inclusiveness and about celebrating your differences.

I have not earned the right to be called the young Sinatra, but give me time.

I had a terrible manager once who described my career as 'spiraling downward.

We'll know for the first time If we're evil or divine We're the last in line.

The idea of dancing to bad house music is something I could never get behind.

Actual patriotism has to do with loving a place enough to try and improve it.

I didnt really have an agenda for my talent. I just wanted to be able to sing.

'I'm Sorry' was one of the first songs to come out of Nashville using strings.

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