The songs always tell you something, but always for different reasons.

A lot of people in my generation, we use hip-hop as a tool to compose.

Keeping your artistic self as creative as possible is a balancing act.

Devotion is a disease. And you catch it from those people who have it.

When you fall in love, nobody has to tell you. You know what you feel.

I am starting to look like and perform like the Lou that I used to be.

I can't change the past, but I can try to make a better future for me.

With time, people forget to say, "Darling I love you." just that word.

If I could have just one more wish, I'd wipe the cobwebs from my eyes.

I couldn't be a royal. It's like living in a supersonic goldfish bowl.

I don't want to change the world, I don't want the world to change me.

I focus more on the music and my message; I'm not a party type of guy.

Today, they're just up there for the money, just packaged and be gone.

The secret was to just be cool, stay in God's graces, and work it out.

The work that Partners in Health do in Haiti benefits the whole world.

I am not in competition with my peers; I am in competition with myself.

I could always open shows, perform through the middle, and close shows.

Singles - we hated it, going on 'Top Of The Pops' and all that rubbish.

'Love Shack' is such an eternal kind of song; at karaoke, people do it.

I chant to save my heart. Every time I sit down, that's what I'm doing.

The Beatles gave me everything. Especially Paul McCartney. I adore him.

I'm one of these people that always looks on the bad side of the fence.

The good thing about breaking up is that you have nothing else to lose.

I've never done a box set, and Eddie's full of it if he says otherwise.

I can be singing about cat food and I'll make you think that I mean it.

Theres not one good thought in me, apart from God. Thats the good news.

To be a musician, you have to be honest... to be honest... to be honest.

I dont think you ever get tired of the well-written, well-crafted songs.

It doesn't get better, it doesn't get worse, but it sure gets different!

It's not so bad to live out of a suitcase. It's a really beautiful life.

The three years following the release of See The Light were a whirlwind.

My mom always said that there would be haters. Not everyone can love ya.

Instead of going out and shooting people, why don't you go start a band.

Without cigarettes, I would be doing heroin, probably, on a daily basis.

Ozzy is a powerful and attractive man. When I grow up I want to be Ozzy.

There's no present, there's no future, I don't even know about the past.

A Christian man is a man who is within himself, who puts out good vibes.

I love the fact that 35 years later, I still hear my songs on the radio.

Control yourself and no one else. And you will see the Truth my brother.

I'm showing some of my sculptures in Holland in the spring, so we'll see.

I still don't look at myself as a star. I've always had a thankful heart.

I don't think you ever get tired of the well-written, well-crafted songs.

Van Halen can keep providing the rain and I'll keep providing the parade.

I have always been psychic. The walls of any room I walk into talk to me.

An ugly woman cooks your meals on time, and she'll always treat you kind.

When you get to 60, the word "retirement" comes in on every conversation.

If that's the only thing that's stopping war then thank God for the bomb.

My honeymoon night was spent on the floor in the bathroom with my mother.

But I don't think anybody with any self-respect would admit to being Goth

I was signed to MGM. I was in Vegas for sixteen weeks at the Sands Hotel.

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