I think that different actors bring different qualities to the character.

Socially, I like the idea of sitting in a theater with a bunch of people.

Upper class to me means you are either born into wealth or you're Royalty.

I know this sounds stupid, but in some ways, the way I look is a drawback.

In a way, 'WALL-E' had some of the same disturbing elements that 'Up' does.

I thought I'd gone to heaven, because I grew up watching Roy and Gene Autry

Knee replacement is serious stuff. And it actually could have made me worse

Living off the grid and being kind of an outlaw brings a dangerous reality.

Just remember, somewhere, a little Chinese girl is warming up with your max.

I thought I'd gone to heaven, because I grew up watching Roy and Gene Autry.

The Six Million Dollar Man was one thing, but I wanted to keep my own parts.

Knee replacement is serious stuff. And it actually could have made me worse.

I like actors who are sort of different and eccentric - not what you expect.

I've had biker clubs reach out to me whenever they knew I was in their city.

It's become a cliche to think of marriage as a disaster area and a war zone.

I think it's fair to say that, yeah, I'm playing Doctor Strange, I get there.

I want to direct, write, produce... y'know, I love the entertainment industry

You can change the circumstances but you can never change man's inner nature.

Somebody's real voice is probably the hardest one that somebody could attempt.

I loved getting to Chagrin Falls, being by the falls; what a cute place it is.

I've always wanted to be an animator. That's an ultimate art form, right there

I want to direct, write, produce... y'know, I love the entertainment industry.

Sometimes at drive-thrus I go into Winnie the Pooh and ask for a jar of honey.

I'm from Middlesboro, Ky., a little town on the Tennessee and Virginia border.

What can I say: I got started on the whole wife-and-kids thing at a young age.

I think American Werewolf in London is the greatest werewolf movie of all time.

I've always wanted to be an animator. That's an ultimate art form, right there.

What my daughter does is my own responsibility, the way she represents herself.

I'm thankful to be breathing, on this side of the grass. Whatever comes, comes.

It's an actor's job to play all the human conditions - light, dark, and medium.

I never have thought of myself as a brand. I've thought of myself as an artist.

In order to inhabit a character, you've got to embrace and empathise with them.

I'm really not Sherlock Holmes. I look a little bit like him and sound like him.

I've always said that you can't be the new Mel Blanc by doing Mel Blanc's voice.

Heights don't bother me...It's falling and cracking my skull that freaks me out.

I'm usually the guy who says, 'Bruce Willis and Denzel Washington in the Siege'!

It's nice to get paid for therapy rather than having to pay $240 an hour for it.

Eastern medicine is not about curing your sickness. It's about keeping you well.

Basically, when I hear the words 'family drama' I run in the opposite direction.

Each of the actors is quite different, but they're all living in the same world.

The biggest lesson Stephen Strange learns in this film is it's not all about him.

I'm always working on many new projects that I can't talk about because of NDA's.

Distortions control my self-image, like they do for a lot of us. It's irrational.

Basically, when I hear the words 'family drama,' I run in the opposite direction.

We all want to escape our circumstances, don't we? Especially if you are an actor.

Where the work goes, I go. Wherever adulation occurs, that's where you'll find me.

I've never minded my kids watching any of the series I did. That's important to me

I was happy as an only child, but I've always wanted to be part of a bigger family.

You have to have some kind of power of observation, almost like a trained observer.

All capitalists should be like Warren Buffett, and he says he should be taxed more.

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