The director's very important to me, particularly when the director has a recognizable style.

I never really got obsessed about one thing for long. I was a bit of a butterfly and a magpie.

I will always have enough money to last the rest of my long as I don't buy anything.

There was a time - and I used to get made fun of a lot - that all I collected was soundtracks.

I just want the money and the fame and the adoration, and I don't want any of the other stuff.

The greatest thing is nobody cares that I'm fifty years old. They only care what I sound like.

The worst thing is to get involved with people who aren't passionate about what they're doing.

We like to think of film and music as art, but actually art is something that is not restricted.

There's so much in the 21st century that is stymied by bureaucracy and mediocrity and committee.

Gosh, I love saying 'Booyakasha!' I keep finding new ways to say it. I love saying 'Booyakasha.'

I think I'm a somewhat nervous bee who just wants to conform. Which, I guess, is common in bees.

Truth is, generally I like film festivals; somewhere at some level there's an exchange of ideas.

We have a lot more unlikely heroes now. It’s not just the guy with guns—it’s the guy with brains.

There's no shame in stealing - any actor who says he doesn't is lying. You steal from everything.

I feel kind of fortunate that over the last 25 years I've been in almost every Disney/Pixar film.

I did a few more plays, and then I went to L.A., because I knew I could get a coaching job there.

The thing that's cool about the recording booth is that it's so perfunctory, so cut-to-the-chase.

I was watching 'Wild at Heart,' and I can honestly say I did nothing for that apart from show up!

Looking for happiness is a sure way to sadness, I think. You have to take each moment as it comes.

I'm not an overnight success. I've been doing it for 12 years. It's been lovely and varied so far.

Show respect to people who don't deserve it. Not as a reflection of their character, but of yours.

I argue with myself, get mad at myself, throw myself around the room and then apologize to myself.

The theatre, which is my most comfortable place, unfortunately it's very hard to make a living in.

'Wings' offered me the rare opportunity to be a full-time dad and a working actor for eight years.

Being a posh actor in England you cannot escape the class-typing from whatever side you look at it.

I don't have that much of an ego where it's like "How dare you, you can't do something without me."

I was a newspaper editor in high school, and I truly thought of journalism as a career. I loved it.

Here lies Matthew Mudd, Death did him no hurt; When alive he was only Mudd, But now he's only dirt.

You let things run in order to have some sanity and be able to do your work and not feel pre-judged.

It's very easy to be cynical about any kind of interference in things that are beyond our skill set.

I actually do mind having a photo taken because it's one o'clock in the morning and I'm off my face.

Robert Mitchum sounded different from John Wayne, and John Wayne sounded different from Clark Gable.

To turn a human being into a part-canine or lupine creature takes a good deal of artistry and money.

I love to continue to challenge myself and put myself in situations that are slightly uncomfortable.

The biggest compliment I can ever get as an actor is to have someone say, 'We didn't recognize you.'

Landing the role of Stephen Hawking was the most positively surprising thing that has happened to me.

Robin Williams understands sonic performances. He understands what it's like to change your voice up.

Mel Blanc passed away in '89, and they held auditions, and I did my first job [as Porky Pig] in 1990.

The nuances and organic characteristics of a character become second nature if I'm doing my job well.

Working at a job that you hate. Having a career and a life that you have no passion for. That's hell.

[Scott Derrickson] is terrific, really sharp on the details, and he's not afraid to go to dark places.

I can't help teasing people. That's the way that I am, and I hope that nobody takes it too personally.

Any actor who tells you that he makes choices, absolutely, is wrong. You find work and work finds you.

I drive a motorbike, so there is the whiff of the grim reaper round every corner, especially in London.

I've never stopped loving cartoons. I loved cartoons as a kid. I can still look at them and enjoy them.

I got kind of burned out, so I moved to Florida. I was down there for 10 or 12 years, raising children.

I started doing standup when I was in college, and I would incorporate a lot of characters into my act.

You cannot go wrong with Bugs Bunny. He's the coolest cartoon character ever. I quote him all the time.

I'm learning in my old age that the only thing you can do to keep your sanity is to stay in the moment.

Sometimes you're wrong, but if I'm a repeat customer, it means I must have valued the past experiences.

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