I have done a series in the '60s, '70s and '80s.

Baldy McNosehair looks dead sexy in a miniskirt!

Every job has a unique situational circumstance.

With theatre, you have to be ready for anything.

I can record auditions from my office in my home.

I think I'm sort of locked into the sitcom genre.

I just turned 66, and I'm starting to work again.

I'm continuing to do research into biker culture.

Not that i had a big arse but even that was toned.

I became third in the U.S. as a junior pro surfer.

I've certainly been very blessed with opportunity.

I feel the need to endanger myself every so often.

Enjoy the journey of life and not just the endgame.

I'm a high-functioning sociopath, do your research.

Any privacy in public is a hard thing to negotiate.

I've been a professional actor for almost 40 years.

Raising kids is part joy and part guerrilla warfare.

Doing a series, every week you work with a new star.

I'll never be able to really see a film that I'm in.

I think anyone who works in medicine has superpowers.

But I was still hoping to be able to coach and teach.

I drag a lot of stuff round with me that I don't need.

Doctor Strange is selfish but he's still saving lives.

It's really disgusting what Hollywood can do to a guy.

You watch people and study them the way an alien would.

I spent a lot of time growing up in Ireland in Donegal.

The funny thing is that I had never actually watched TV.

I have this burgeoning reputation for playing a scumbag.

It's nice to go back with people that you already trust.

Corruption is something you face all the time. Avoid it.

Season 4 can be deadly for a show that's been a hit show.

Celebrity is okay as long as you know it's not about you.

Be an encourager. The world has plenty of critics already.

It's easier for a kid to have fun and have an imagination.

I get to be one of the torch-bearers for a new generation.

My natural self is John Goodman. If I relaxed, I'd be him.

I've been doing Porky Pig for 21 years for Warner Brothers.

It was not a good thing in my family to be a 'personality.'

"Striking looking." That's a euphemism if I ever heard one.

It doesn't bother me that people are stupid. I'm not stupid.

Well, I happen to have a love of vocal reproduction devices.

I worked for the recreation and parks department for a year.

The first dog I got was a border collie. Her name was Sally.

I don't ever want to be comfortable with anything I'm doing.

Talking about class terrifies me. There is no way of winning.

The treasure shouldn't do the hunting, and you're a treasure.

Love is the most ferocious and strongest force on the planet.

I never act. I simply bring out the real animal that's in me.

Everybody can identify with somebody in the Hundred Acre Wood.

I saw Al Pacino on the street once. That made me very nervous.

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