Adrian Peterson has home-run speed.

Adrian Peterson isn't running by committee.

I treat Adrian Lewis as if he were my own son.

I'm a huge fan of Adrian Neville and I have been for a long time.

I still credit Adrian Lester with being one of my biggest influences.

I grew up loving Ridley Scott and Tony Scott and Michael Bay and Adrian Lyne.

I must have been a very strange child. I was very pretentious. Like Adrian Mole.

It was a lot of pressure, but I loved working with Tim and I loved working with Adrian.

Adrian Clayborn is somebody that relentlessly brings that attitude, energy, and toughness.

Anybody that believes that Adrian Grenier's name is really Vince should probably watch less TV.

At the end of the day, 'Rocky' is a love story, and he could never have reached the final bell without Adrian.

I am a huge fan of Adrian Piper: how she works, how she reveals her process in the work, how she writes about it.

I'm fed up of hearing that Adrian Lewis is so naturally talented blah blah blah. I'd rather hear that I'm winning.

Everyone should play like Adrian Peterson. This guy does everything full speed. Pro Bowl - promoting himself for MVP.

I did three television shows in Poughkeepsie in one day, with Adrian Adonis and The Iron Sheik. They gave us no food.

Adrian Granados is a world-class fighter. A lot of guys duck him, but I wanted to fight him because that's what I'm about.

My favorite book is 'Go Away Big Green Monster.' I wrote it for my granddaughter Adrian, who was in the third grade at the time.

Adrian Leon LeBlanc, my dad and my namesake, his keen joy in observing people and the world is the reason I became a journalist.

When the Red Sox spent $300million on Adrian Gonzalez and Carl Crawford, Liverpool fans were irate. It actually should have been Boston fans.

I remember going to see those Adrian Lyne films when I was going to see movies in the nineties, and I was jealous he wasn't working at New Line.

The first time Adrian saw me was on tape. But you should know that this never works - never in the history of movies has someone been cast from a video.

I've known Adrian Griffin for quite awhile now and always had him as my 'when I get a job, I want to hire him if he isn't already a head coach and I can get him' list.

If I could start with anybody, I would initially draft Tom Brady. Then I would go get Ray Lewis, and then maybe an offensive lineman, or somebody like Adrian Peterson.

I was in Minnesota in 2014 when Adrian Peterson was suspended. In that situation, we were about to play the Patriots when his suspension came out the Friday before the game.

A lot of people think I reacted a little too emotionally when I said, 'If I can't beat Adrian Neville, I'm done.' But the truth is, my whole life, I've always followed my heart and my emotions.

I don't have a style. I've never thought of myself as a stylist like the visual stylists I admire enormously - Adrian Lyne, Ridley Scott, Alan Parker - in which every shot has a great idea in them.

I was lucky to start playing guitar in the Eighties when so many great players were around to inspire me, like Yngwie Malmsteen, Van Halen and especially Dave Murray and Adrian Smith of Iron Maiden.

In any character you do, especially something like 'Watchmen,' if you're gonna do this, you're gonna do this right. I'm fighting for the Comedian every step of the way; there's not even a question, Adrian is a scumbag.

Adrian Neville should expect absolutely everything out of me. Like I said, he is going to be facing Tyson Kidd at his absolute best. I've got nothing to lose, and there's nothing more dangerous than a guy with nothing to lose.

My role models in the business were the older guys on my team when I first got there: Gray Scott, Adrian Smith, Roland Taylor. These were the guys who took me under their wing, and really schooled me in terms of what the business was about.

When I read 'Rocky V,' it was a terrific story, a great script. Rocky died at the end. He has this devastating fight with Tommy Gunn, ends up in an ambulance with his head in Adrian's lap, and by the time they get to the hospital, he's dead.

Sami Zayn and I have had a long history. Same goes for Adrian Neville. I might not get the chance to work with them now, but Seth Rollins, Cesaro and Daniel Bryan, all those guys, we all spent a lot of time together wrestling all over the place.

I actually met Adrian Peterson in high school. I look up to AP a lot. He's a great running back and we all know what he can do. That's definitely someone you want to model yourself after, especially at the running back position. He's a great one.

There's been a couple of guys who have gotten me. I used to say Adrian Gonzalez. He's a good lefty hitter; he's hit a few home runs off of me. They were a couple of mistakes, so if you make your pitches, you're more likely to have a better outcome.

'Hustle' is wonderfully enjoyable because all my life, I've made an effort to be with people who can make me laugh. That original cast - Marc Warren, Jaime Murray, Robert Glenister and Adrian Lester - are all funny. So I know every day I'll have a few good laughs.

I get Tweets every day from people telling me that 'Hey, I'm going to overcome my injury or my illness. Cancer. Different diseases. I can beat it because Adrian Peterson showed me the determination and the willpower to be able to prosper and get through adversity whenever it comes.'

I know I had my equivalents in Adrian Lester and Lenny James when I was at drama school. I remember David Harewood doing 'Othello' at the National, and Adrian Lester having done Cheek by Jowl's famous 'As You Like It and Company' at the Donmar. Not necessarily performances I saw, but just the fact they happened was massively encouraging.

Adrian Neville, who's my best friend, I rode with him on the road. He was the most crisp, athletic, poignant guy - never missed a step. It was insane. I had never seen anybody who could move in a wrestling ring like him; it was like second-nature to him. Flips - name it - agile jumping in and out of the ring effortlessly to the top rope like crazy.

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