Jihad is the Afghan bling.

There is no Afghan Awakening Movement.

Afghan people are just so tired of war.

The Afghan people do not take kindly to conquerors.

I was excited when the Afghan Whigs got back together.

Being from Delhi I have been exposed to Afghan culture.

I have been exposed to the Afghan culture since childhood.

The voice, Afghan matchmakers say, is more than half of love.

Protecting Afghan civilians is the cornerstone of our mission.

It's the Afghan national army that went into Najaf and did the work there.

If we can't understand the Afghan family, we can't understand Afghanistan.

Foreign aid projects have pumped billions of dollars into the Afghan economy.

I'm a believer in the Afghan people, so I support an increase in forces there.

When I talk to another Afghan I am his or her equal and that moves me to tears.

The majority of the Afghan people support a strategic partnership with the United States.

If it is terrorism, if it is war on terror, then the Afghan people will join you on terror.

As the country now turns a new leaf, our ambition is to give hope to each and every Afghan.

We've got to see a state where the Afghan government can handle its own day-to-day security.

The fact is that Iran doesn't want to see the Taliban come back any more than do most Afghan citizens.

Mecca and Medinah is a very special place in the hearts of every Muslim but particularly for every Afghan.

The Taliban mostly attacks international and Afghan security forces. They rarely carry out attacks in markets.

After the Soviet withdrawal, many Afghan Communists had rebranded themselves as Islamists and joined the mujahedeen.

Afghan women, as a group, I think their suffering has been equaled by very few other groups in recent world history.

WikiLeaks has revealed some hard truths about the Iraq and Afghan wars and broken stories about corporate corruption.

In Afghan culture, you don't date - you marry. Even talking to boys before marriage brings great shame to your family.

WikiLeaks published the Afghan War Logs and U.S. diplomatic cables stolen from a classified network by an Army private.

The Afghan security forces will always have the help of the U.S. American military to ensure that Afghanistan never fails.

Our troops shouldn't be mired in taking land for the Afghan military, providing force protection and fighting a permanent insurgency.

Why don't we focus on what Afghan women can do? They can cook, bear children and pray. As I recall, that was fine for our grandmothers.

We as the Afghan people and government are willing to help Pakistan work for peace in Afghanistan and work for peace in Pakistan, together.

I myself had to grow a longer beard and Afghan clothes. I was in danger of being kidnapped by smugglers, though I didn't know it at the time.

We want an Afghanistan that is shaped by the dreams of the great Afghan people, not by irrational fears and overreaching ambitions of others.

Afghan society is very complex, and Afghanistan has a very complex culture. Part of the reason it has remained unknown is because of this complexity.

We are not in Afghanistan because girls were not allowed to go to school, but helping them do so will give the Afghan people hope for a better future.

I didn't want kabobs, Afghan music, and rules that required girls to be carefully monitored. I wanted mac and cheese, country music, and independence.

Because Iran understands Afghanistan far better than Americans do, making Iran a partner in a long-term effort to transform Afghan agriculture makes sense.

The family is the single most important institution in Afghan culture. It is described in the country's constitution as the 'fundamental pillar of society'.

Trust is an amazing commodity. The Afghan people often talk to me about having to develop trust in America, because they believe that we deserted them in 1990 and 1991.

Afghanistan has moved forward and Afghanistan will defend itself. And the progress that we have achieved, the Afghan people will not allow it to be put back or reversed.

The first time I visited Afghanistan in May 2000, I was 26 years old, and the country was under Taliban rule. I went there to document Afghan women and landmine victims.

Now, al Qaeda's on the run. Afghanistan is no longer a base of operations. The Afghan government is a friendly government that is trying to bring democracy to its people.

Since 1996, the Feminist Majority Foundation has been immersed in a campaign to support Afghan women and girls in their fight against the brutal oppression of the Taliban.

The book came after the fall of the Taliban, it says something about Afghan family life. Those kind of stories - what happens behind the scenes on a TV screen - are important.

The reasoning for our civil-military plan is that lasting success will be when the Afghan government, security forces and people can resist the insurgents and terrorists themselves.

It is in Pakistan's own interest that the Afghan army is able to fight effectively against the Taliban, which is more likely if they continue to have American advisers at their side.

We provide transit facilities, we cooperate in equipping the Afghan army and security forces with arms and helicopters, we cooperate in training officers for law enforcement agencies.

In Afghanistan, I was talking to Afghan elders who were world-weary of a lack of sustained attention from their own government and from the international community to stop problems early.

Well, the reports are correct that we're conducting very robust military operations on the Afghan side of the border in areas where we think al-Qaida is operating and Taliban remnants are.

Despite the limitations of the bulky 16mm camera and 10-minute film magazines, 'The Anderson Platoon' feels as spontaneous and fresh as any films that have come out of the Afghan or Iraq wars.

You must keep in mind that Pakistan has suffered the aftermaths of the Cold War, and that Cold War had left deep imprints on our society. We were the worst sufferers from the ills of the Afghan war.

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