I cannot tolerate immorality.

Women are part of the constitution.

Salaries are a huge area of corruption.

Self-reliance is not just words, but deeds.

Peace is not a luxury. Peace is a necessity.

The economy is the silent elephant in the room.

There's no place for mob justice in Afghanistan.

You cannot have good terrorists and bad terrorists.

No power in the country can dissolve the government.

I'm not taking power. I'm catalyzing systemic change.

Peace is a national issue, not only government's responsibility.

As long as I am president, the rights of women will be protected.

Deadlines concentrate the mind. But deadlines should not be dogmas.

The privileged elites are part of the globalization moment that we live in.

My entire life has been guided by a sense of equality, equality for loved ones.

When I talk to another Afghan I am his or her equal and that moves me to tears.

This hand is free of blood, and this hand is free from the stain of corruption.

By terrorising the people, the Taliban have sown deep doubts about the government.

The job of an elected president is to overcome the past and change the playing field.

Crisis for others is a source of despair. For me, it's an opportunity to bring reform.

President Trump is engaging and if you get your points across then he asks you questions.

If al-Qaida, all apologies to Microsoft for the analogy, is Windows 1, Daish is Windows 5.

Afghanistan cannot be a burden on the international community and it has to become an asset.

The youth are hurt. Our majority are youth, under 30. They have no hope. They don't get jobs.

It [terrorism] happened because intelligence, leadership and police failures made it possible.

Sovereignty of Afghanistan must be accepted categorically by Pakistan so that we can move forward.

If I get elected, my government will promote a culture of acceptance and non-violence in the country.

I went to Pakistan; I engaged in peace. If a hand extended is not shaken, what are you supposed to do?

Politicians have become extraordinarily conservative, but our times require imagination and bold action.

Mecca and Medinah is a very special place in the hearts of every Muslim but particularly for every Afghan.

When windows shatter through a bomb, we will repair it next week because we are Afghans. That's the spirit.

It's fair to say average Americans think that the average Afghan doesn't want American troops in their country.

We must focus on our biggest enemy, poverty. There is no single-state solution to it, and that is a noble goal.

The first principle of tackling corruption is that you do not engage in it and you have the will to confront it.

The most significant thing is public participation. That assures the Afghan public that our promises are not empty.

President Obama called me on his last day in office and said the only person who never asked him for anything was me.

Thank God there has been no recurrence of 9/11. It is not because of luck - it is because of mass sacrifice and effort.

Pakistan and Afghanistan are not mere neighbours, we are more than that, we are connected by Muslim bond of brotherhood.

Afghanistan fortunately is one of the richest countries in terms of water, mineral resources, location and human capital.

Peace cannot come without the government of Afghanistan speaking directly to the Taliban or the Taliban talking directly to us.

Crisis for others is a source of despair. For me, it's an opportunity to bring reform. I owe this country a debt I cannot repay.

In 2001, we didn't have an army; we had remnants of a dissolved army that had no hope. Our generals had literally become busboys.

Pathology by Daesh is distinctively to swallow its opponents, to frighten the population. In that regard, the threat is very real.

I have a strange - because there's no other way probably of describing it - uh, temper. I'm a very difficult taskmaster. I don't wait.

You can get together, you can talk as much as you want, but if there's not a decision-making process - that's where democracy really matters.

Middle Eastern Muslim countries are not only important for Afghanistan due to common culture and faith, but also because of economic benefits.

President Truman made his name by looking into contracting. And that's how integrity within the military procurement started in the United States.

If we looked in the world of 1945 and looked at the map of capitalist economies and democratic polities, they were the rare exception, not the norm.

We could form a government of national unity fighting corruption. The ordinary Afghan is sick and tired of it, because it's she or he that pays the price.

My father's mother really had a profound influence on me. She literally began her day with an hour of reading. But the most fundamental impact was education.

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