Age is just a number for me! A person is as young as he feels.

Making my debut at such a young age was a massive thing for me.

Something about exploration has fascinated me from a young age.

I knew from a very young age that there was something very wrong with me.

At a young age, acting was so inspiring and exciting, because to me it was play - make-believe, pretend.

I started golfing at a young age, and growing up with two older brothers, it made me mature a lot younger.

She comes from the Midwest. She had me at a very young age and raised me on her own. She's a very hard worker.

With the mega-fame came the mega-downfall - you know, with the press and everything - and at a young age, it was very stressful to me.

My brother was my first guru who introduced me to spiritualism at a very young age. He later even enrolled me into Ramakrishna Mission.

I think Lena Dunham is a very bright and very interesting writer, and what she's accomplished at such a young age absolutely impresses me.

Moliere and Arthur Miller affected me at a very young age. In adulthood, I became overwhelmed by Chekhov. Those are my big theatrical influences.

I'd say that, first and foremost, I'm a performer; I started performing when I was four years old, and being on stage from a young age set me up.

From a young age, I was always very transparent, and that's why the kids' mums didn't like me. I would tell you if I didn't like your beans on toast.

The only lottery I've ever won was a $100 scratch-off card at age 16, and the 7-Eleven clerk who sold it to me said I was too young to claim my winnings.

I was kind of forced to rebound at a young age. I was usually at the back in the press of the 2-3 zone, because my brothers were smaller than me. So I usually got most of the rebounds.

I knew at a young age, whether I was playing baseball or hockey or lacrosse, that my teammates were counting on me, whether it be to strike the last batter out in a baseball game or score a big goal in a hockey game.

When I wrote 'The Pregnant Widow' three or four years ago, I tried to reread my first novel, 'The Rachel Papers,' because their young heroes are the same age. I couldn't finish it. It seemed to me so technically slapdash and weak.

As a young boy - I was 20-21, around that age - I didn't think I was being treated right. It can affect anyone, not just me. It was about how I bounced back, how I had to think and sit down and try to move on. Not let that defeat me.

The special thing about 'Star Wars' is you can come to it and become a fan at any age. It's such an interesting franchise. I wasn't lucky enough to see it as a young kid, and I didn't have any older siblings that loved it and made me want to watch it, too.

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