People define themselves aesthetically at a very young age.

I'm wondering when you hit the age where people say, 'Oh, OK, he's not so young.'

I wish that more people, especially young people, were taught about self-love at a younger age.

When I was young, I was working with people my own age, so it was kind of a lot of goofing around.

As disabled people, we are taught from a young age that those who are attracted to us are to be regarded with suspicion.

It is not the young people that degenerate; they are not spoiled till those of mature age are already sunk into corruption.

I think that young people - teenagers, college-age people, anyone under the age of 30 - know when they're being pandered to.

The denunciation of the young is a necessary part of the hygiene of older people, and greatly assists the circulation of the blood.

Young people are narcissistic. They become less narcissistic as they age, but they become crankier about younger people being narcissistic.

I was one of the lucky people who found what I loved at a really young age. When I was 16, I got my first job in a Portuguese soap opera, and I realized how much I really loved it.

I wanted people to know that I've been through the rain. I've been broken into pieces; I had a daughter at such a young age. There were times people would say, 'That's it for her.' But that didn't happen.

Hollywood is a very volatile place where artists come in, and they essentially say they want to belong. It's incredibly vulnerable to be an actor and also get criticism at a young age when you're formulating who you are. We've seen a lot of people fall victim to that, and it's very unfortunate.

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