Good comedy is ageless.

When I dream, I am ageless.

Movies make you immortal and ageless.

The ageless Teddy Sheringham, 37 now.

The ageless Dennis Wise, now in his thirties.

I feel that beauty and femininity are ageless

I like to consider myself young at heart and ageless.

There are gems of thought that are ageless and eternal.

I'm happy to report that my inner child is still ageless.

We are the generation that came of age in an ageless society.

Writers have to put up with this editor thing; it is ageless and eternal and wrong.

Swaying to new beats, hearing old favorites, and drinking expensive beer are ageless pastimes.

'Social Network' is a good story with human experience connective tissue that makes it ageless.

Riding clothes are ageless and timeless, and I love to incorporate that comfort and elegance in my life.

All good music, whatever its date, is ageless - as alive and significant today as it was when it was written.

Wine and cheese are ageless companions, like aspirin and aches, or June and moon, or good people and noble ventures.

It's a matter of people closing their eyes and opening their ears. If people are able to do that, then music is ageless.

I have always regarded Mr. Bean as a timeless, ageless character, and I would rather he be remembered as a character mostly in his 30s and 40s.

As long as I'm learning every day of my life, I will never feel old. Never. And I don't feel old; I feel in my head and in my heart - I don't know, ageless!

I tell people to be thankful that Madonna is showing that it's possible to be ageless - people should applaud and celebrate that. Anybody who criticises her is just jealous!

Beauty and femininity are ageless and can't be contrived, and glamour, although the manufacturers won't like this, cannot be manufactured. Not real glamour; it's based on femininity.

Flaws make us all human, and you're rooting for characters because of those flaws. It's ageless if you're interested in relationships and the way people can or can't relate to each other.

This idea that being youthful is the only thing that's beautiful or attractive simply isn't true. I don't want to be an 'ageless beauty.' I want to be a woman who is the best I can be at my age.

On the cover of 'All the Stars' is a red grosgrain ribbon. It's Loos's ribbon. Ageless, fabulous Loos - she tricked the very people who would have cast her aside like an old shoe if they knew the truth.

Don't program yourself to break down as you age with thoughts that decline is inevitable. Time may be passing for our bodies, but because they house our ageless souls, we never need to see ourselves as old and infirm.

In marriage there are no manners to keep up, and beneath the wildest accusations no real criticism. Each is familiar with that ancient child in the other who may erupt again. We are not ridiculous to ourselves. We are ageless. That is the luxury of the wedding ring.

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