Sometimes you want to dress a certain way... that doesn't always reflect your pedigree.

What I always say to people is dress from the feet up. If you don't normally wear colour, try some colour on your feet; it's the place, I think you can have fun and update your outfit.

I've always loved playing dress up, so I wear party dresses for anything I'm hosting. I think you honor your guests by paying attention to every detail, and this includes your own appearance.

When I was a kid, I saw Mardi Gras in New Orleans. So to me Party Rock was always wear your animal print, bring your no-lenses glasses, dress up in a bunch of colors and have fun. Animal print is a must.

My mother had her dresses made. In those days in Chile, the early '70s, people had dressmakers make their things. With the leftovers, my sister and I always had a matching outfit. She had an outfit, we had the mini version. That was the very late '60s, early '70s way to dress your kids.

When you're young, no one cares who your parents are, although Mum would arrive to pick me up in her full hair and make-up and fur, and I used to say, 'Can't you just dress normally, like all the other mums?' I wanted her to blend in more, but I've always been really proud of Mum - as proud as she is of me.

I have a septum ring that I always keep pushed up in my nose, but if I put on a dress and think it's just a little girly for me, - boom! - I pop out my septum ring. Or I might throw on a big pair of hoop earrings - or a diamond choker. That's fancy, but not too proper or elegant because it's still a choker! It's all about making it your own.

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