I am obviously a very creative person.

I haven't seen my natural hair color in 20 years.

A sweater around your neck is always a great idea.

You don't talk about celebrities in the Hamptons, duh!

I'm designing for women between the ages of 20 and 40.

A good set of lashes can fix anything... even a mugshot.

I know what I am doing with my handbag design and clothing design.

I have - thank you, Mommy - family money, thank you, which is nice.

A bright, colorful clutch is a great statement piece that never goes out of style.

I was not trying to be snarky or snobby by saying that West Palm Beach is no Palm Beach.

My mother had a beautiful rose garden and would cut roses all summer and place in our house.

I wasn't going to a charity event in order to get a picture, in order to get into a magazine.

I always pamper myself with scented candles. They make the room look beautiful and me feel pretty.

Because I am southern, I love serving mint juleps in silver cups with a sprig of mint as guests enter.

I never saw myself as this big socialite, but from an outsider point of view, there was a lot going on.

Being blond just makes me feel happier, like when the sun's hitting you. The blond pops. It's cheerful.

Life doesn't always end up where you want it to go; you have to be an optimist and keep moving forward.

When you order room service as much as I do, and Postmates, you don't really need to have a lot of food.

Southerners pride themselves on being polite. This is why we always use euphemisms to express ourselves.

I like pretty things around. I like it to be prissed up. Then I feel at least something is sane in my life.

It doesn't matter if someone is your fourth cousin once removed, he is Cousin Jimmy and called that always.

In 2013, after living in New York for 18 years, I decided to leave Manhattan for a fresh start in Palm Beach.

Mayonnaise is basically the only condiment there is. Anything tastes better with lots of mayo... even a spoon.

I consider myself an Upper East Sider, but I may have to reconsider. While I was away, everyone seemed to flee!

Originally I was going to write a fashion style guide, but then my publishers suggested I write a novel instead.

I love entertaining old school. It's how I feel the most comfortable, because it's what I experienced growing up.

Make sure your host knows that you are not high maintenance, and that you'll fit into any schedule that is planned.

Nothing really surprises me anymore. You put yourself out there - you're open and honest with what you have to deal with.

She may be called 'Grace the Face' for her physical beauty, but Grace Meigher is as beautiful on the inside as the outside.

I did a reality show. There's nothing scandalous about that. I did it to further my business and career. I make my own money.

Forget the stress of trying to find a taxi while you freeze. Ubers make you feel like you have a personal driver... a luxury!

Not only Southern children - but adults as well - use the preface ma'am or sir when speaking to someone older or in authority.

If I put cameras on you every day, you're gonna be emotional and nothing will be perfect. You have to allow people to be people.

If you have a girlfriend who is a fellow divorcee, you share a lot of common ground because you've been through the same things.

I know when I go out and wear a pretty dress and get photographed, I'm going to be in the press, which will help with my business.

I am not the beachy girl. I don't wear flip-flops and beachy dresses. I'm not as poufy and girlie, but I am the girl who dresses up.

We are all human and have our good days, and bad days, so it's important to give one another space when dealing with your own issues.

If I'm in Newport, Rhode Island, with my mother and we're doing nothing, I like to have a full face of makeup, because I'm a Southern girl.

I'm human, and we make mistakes. My biggest mistake was that I was running away from something here in New York and I ran into the wrong hands.

Few changes are allowed in Palm Beach, making it an anachronistic little village where everything looks almost the same as it did years and years ago.

Having spent many summers in Southampton as a New Yorker, and as someone whose family has a place in Newport, I have a strong affinity for each place.

A beautiful soap left in the guest bathroom, some fresh flowers by the bed, or a small gift of chocolates in their room will make anyone feel welcome.

I think my mother has always understood what a romantic idealist I am, so she's never had trouble supporting what might be aberrant behavior to others.

Every Thanksgiving, we visited our New York cousins and went shopping at Bergdorf's and Saks for long dresses to wear to the Homestead for New Year's Eve.

Yes, I live in Manhattan - and yes, I'm a cast member on 'The Real Housewives of New York' - but deep down, I'm still a southern gal from Virginia at heart.

For some people, showing up at a bridal salon without a ring or a groom might appear bizarre and quite unusual--but for me, it's a regular Tuesday afternoon.

A good host will point out food, snacks, and drinks that you're welcome to help yourself to, but if they don't, do not ask what is available. It sounds greedy.

I learned that if you're going to move in with a friend, it's important to establish ground rules immediately so there aren't any misunderstandings down the line.

People thought that I had all the money in the world and that I was this little perfect princess posing with her hand on her hip and her blonde hair and her curls.

If you have rules the guests need to follow concerning your staff or pets in your house, be sure to kindly let them know so that there will be no misunderstandings.

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