Everyone else at school was terrified of me, and they were always laughing at me.

At 14, I was modeling, which helped me come out of my shell, but I always dreamed of theater school.

At school I was always trying to con my teachers into letting me act out book reports instead of writing them.

Every teacher in elementary school loved me because I was always goofing around. I was taller than most of the guys and girls, and fattest, too.

Well, I design costumes because I started with the theater in Chicago, but somehow a few lines just sort of fell to me to do it. And I studied it in school and I always liked it.

In middle school, I did the whole, like, 'Do you like me? Check this box yes, check this box no,' I did that to so many crushes; I always got in trouble for passing notes in school.

My head was always bubbling over with facts and it seems to me this had little to do with my paying close attention in school and more to do with my voracious and omnivorous reading habits.

I actually didn't get to go to my prom. I left high school when I was 16 to join 'NSYNC. I felt that was something I always missed out on, and all my friends got to go and would tell me about it.

My English teachers gave me a copy of Atwood's 'The Handmaid's Tale' when I left high school, which has always been very special to me - it was the novel that introduced me to dystopian fiction. I'm also influenced by Edgar Allan Poe, Dickens, John Wyndham and Middle English dream-visions.

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