Argentinian people are always a bit more aggressive!

People are always giving you credit for really wanting to say more than you said.

I'm more interested in books than people, and I always expect everybody else to be, but they're not.

I'm one of those people who always tries to overachieve. I want to do more. I want to do bigger things.

When people are economically or socially dislocated, they are always more vulnerable to being radicalized.

I always say, I have been fired from more jobs than most people would ever have had in their entire career.

I like fat people more then I like thin people, things are always a lot more funnier when they happen to fat people.

People perceive opera and classical as elitist - I disagree. I've always tried to mix the two, make it more accessible.

I always tell people that I'll sound exactly like Alanis Morissette after I've had more boyfriends. I'll be just as anguished-sounding.

I mean, I inherited the disease of alcoholism, and I learned early to get help when I needed it. I always went to people who knew more than I did.

I want people to know that blood tests alone won't always detect thyroid disease. My blood panels were normal. I think a lot more people have this disease than are diagnosed.

The military community in particular, I think, could always be more supported, especially people who are being processed out of the military and trying to readjust to being civilians.

People always ask what a book is about, as if it has to be about something. I don't want to write books that lend themselves to that sort of description. My books are more a kind of breaking-down.

I grew up with Jilly and Tamsin driving Volvos. But I wasn't one of them... I always felt more comfortable with Cockney and working-class people. My heroes were the Beatles and people like Michael Caine.

You have to always try to think about them like real people first, and not just heroes. They have to be real characters. As people do more and more superhero stuff, the characters are what distinguish it, just like in cop shows.

I've had albums out since the 1970s. I was in a musical, 'The Boy Friend,' directed by Ken Russell, and I was on Broadway in 'My One And Only' with Tommy Tune, so I've always been a singer, but I suppose people think of my modelling more.

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