I'm really pretty classic.

I always treat camo as a solid.

A Mac PowerBook is a thing to behold.

Oh God, I am so pro-shorts. I love shorts.

Dress for your body type and not your age.

For me, a Thom Browne suit is an investment.

I actually come from a long line of barbers.

Getting dressed, for me, is like a window to my soul.

You really can't function without a phone or an iPad.

I love Italian food - especially Tuscan-style cuisine.

The only pair of trousers a guy needs are grey flannel.

I think that good, great things can come at every price.

Clothes and fashion should work in people's lives. Period.

Some people are born with a caul. I was born with a jacket.

I've always dressed differently. I've always had my own deal.

In the scheme of things, I'm just a guy who gets my picture taken.

Thom Browne is, in my opinion, one of the great minds in men's wear.

I love the idea of the sartorial mix of fatigues and a great blazer.

I really like neck tattoos and hand tattoos. They're just not for me.

My advice to young people - wait until it's your turn. Just kidding, sorta.

I got fired from Neiman Marcus and Bergdorfs, and JC Penney didn't work out.

Fashion comes and goes; prints come and go. Proper camo never really goes away.

When I was a kid, my parents were happy to buy me clothes; they provided for me.

I almost always wear a jacket, but I like different jackets. I also like funny pants.

I went through a Billy Idol phase. I had white hair when Peter Rizzo hired me at Barneys.

Lardini is my go-to tailor. They work with me on a lot of personal things, which is nice.

I did well in school and was able to excel in those areas where I knew I needed to be good at.

Texas has a uniquely warm climate. So fabric weights and lengths of coats are always a concern.

I think many men are either time poor or have little interest in going to stores. I love stores.

I'm probably one of the most fearful persons in the world, but not when it comes to getting dressed.

I never wear a black belt with a black shoe. It's always the opposite: a brown shoe with a black belt.

I'm a kid from Kansas, so J.C. Penney was where I got all my clothes from kindergarten to around 7th grade.

I always say, I have been fired from more jobs than most people would ever have had in their entire career.

I love London, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Paris - there are a million places I could imagine I like, but N.Y. is home.

I think with black tie, you can't really do too much. I think you have to pretty much stick to the rules on that.

I think Hong Kong has always had this tradition of custom-made suits, which I've never done but love the idea of.

I guess I know how to dress myself, and that's probably the only thing I can do, so it's nice that somebody notices.

Camo is almost like a solid. It is the perfect uniform: you can wear camo in any application and it is always right.

A classic fishtail parka, anorak, mackintosh, windbreaker, pea coat, or jean jacket will get you through every season.

I happen to have an expensive clothing habit, so, for me, designing clothes is a way to kill two birds with one stone.

I've decided I'm no longer pulling sweaters over my head. Maybe that's sort of an old man thing, but if it is, I'm there.

I recognize that, to someone who doesn't know my history, maybe I seem like this guy who gets dressed up for the Internet.

Anybody can make a thousand dollar garment because you find the finest fabric and the finest mills, and you churn that out.

I have been a fan of Forty Five Ten since my first visit to Dallas in 2010, when I was working with the hometown competitor.

Yes, there are probably too many tattoos. But there are too many bad haircuts, too many bad shoe choices, too many bad jeans.

I understand I'm not everyone's cup of tea, and I certainly don't want everyone to look like me. I really only dress for myself.

Everyone looks better in clothes that skim the body. Items that fit properly make you look better than wearing something oversize.

Fit and fabric are paramount. If the jacket fits, it doesn't matter what price you paid for it - you will look and feel fantastic.

Just about everyone is quick to judge plastic surgery, especially on a man. We've all seen people who end up looking a little scary.

I carry both a Blackberry and an iPhone. But for my job, the iPhone is essential because of picture-taking and because of picture sharing.

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