Sometimes you can see a pilot, and then when the series starts, it's different people. That's always possible.

I have always been communicative. I can't help it if I have been misunderstood. Sometimes, people don't like straight answers.

Sometimes people ask if my books have morals or lessons for readers, and I shudder at that thought. I always say that I have more questions than answers.

I always think that people who are - maybe 'insane' is too strong a word, but there's more of a spiritual connection. Sometimes they can see below the surface.

I always tell people, 'It'll get greater later' meaning that sometimes we have to pass through whatever it is. We know that we can get through it because others have.

It's really the tone that people use to convey things sometimes that can either become a compliment or an insult. It's not always what you are saying, it's about how you say it.

I've always said I can't tell sometimes that people even have an album out until I see them nominated for a Grammy. I think country gets dumped on across the board by the Grammys.

In talking with people that have experienced it, I learned that PTSD is something that a person in a position of authority sometimes thinks they're not supposed to have. They don't always have an avenue to personally address it or even discuss it.

People get the wrong idea. They think because somebody's visible and works to a degree in some kind of consistent way, they just have a pile of choices. And that's not necessarily true. You can always choose not to audition and see what happens. Sometimes that's a benefit. But most things that I do, I meet on, especially films.

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