I will always find a way to find a positive from things.

Dance is not endangered - it will always find a way to express itself.

Terrorists will always find a way to communicate. They will always find a solution.

Fashion will last forever. It will exist always. It will exist in its own way in each era.

A fresh and vigorous weed, always renewed and renewing, it will cut its wondrous way through rubbish and rubble.

I'm always amazed at the way some actors' behaviour is truly disgusting. That's one thing that will never happen on one of my sets if I ever direct.

It's always unfortunate when a reporter is sent behind bars for failing to turn over sources. There's no way to say what the long-term outcome will be.

If you ask anyone around the cricket grounds, they will say I always sign loads of autographs and thank the ladies for lunch and try to behave in the right way.

This is Steve's company. This is still Steve's company. It was born that way; it's still that way. And so his spirit, I think, will always be the DNA of this company.

'Main Hoon Na' will always be special since it was my first film but in my subsequent films, I was trying to show off with gimmicks that didn't aid the narrative in any way.

It is always possible for the court to overreach its proper bounds and perhaps declare a lot of laws unconstitutional and frustrate the will of the majority in a way that it ought not be frustrated.

Everyone always asks if I'm going to 'make my kids do CrossFit.' I'll never make them do anything. I will, however, make sure that they're physically active in some way, that they'll play some type of sport or do gymnastics or dance or something.

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