Rumor is not always wrong

Socialism is always wrong.

The multitude is always wrong.

Early numbers are always wrong.

Those not present are always wrong.

People who stand up against wars aren't necessarily always wrong.

Wherever the crowd goes run in the other direction. They're always wrong.

It can't happen here is always wrong: a dictatorship can happen anywhere.

Don't make decisions by majority vote. The majority is almost always wrong.

Torturing a human being is almost always wrong, but it is not absolutely wrong.

There is one other business where the customer is always wrong and that's the media.

Power is always right, weakness always wrong. Power is always insolent and despotic.

Market prices are always wrong in the sense that they present a biased view of the future.

There is such a thing as fanaticism, it is always wrong, and if you disagree, you're wrong too.

Power is the pivot on which everything hinges. He who has the power is always right; the weaker is always wrong.

Experience teaches us that when "everyone" comes to the same conclusion, that conclusion is just about always wrong.

Skepticism is only a time-based reality, and as an ultimate reality, it's always wrong, because everything always happens.

If anyone accuses me of contradicting myself, I shall reply; I have been wrong once or more often, however I do not aspire to be always wrong.

When somebody tells you there's something wrong with your book they're almost always right, when they tell you how to fix it they're almost always wrong.

People will always be around to tell you you're no good or you're wrong or unwise to keep doing what you want to do. They're wrong. They're always wrong. Keep going.

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