A good art collection is emblematic of the people collecting it.

Good art provides people with a vocabulary about things they can't articulate.

I'm an artist, and I like art that gets people talking, good or bad. Criticism is good, too.

Trophies or no trophies, we are all just striving to do some really good art and help people's lives with it.

You cannot say, 'Go! Go! Rah! Rah! Good move!' People want some emotion. Chess is an art and not a spectator sport.

People want to see blood. They don't care anymore if you can box for 12 rounds. They don't appreciate the art of the good boxer.

Like with any good art form, if you can entertain people and make them think, it's an honor. It's just an honor to be a comedian.

I think TV promulgates the idea that good art is just art which makes people like and depend on the vehicle that brings them the art.

I finally got to the point where I decided I don't care if it's good art or bad art - it's what I do. I enjoy doing it, and people like it.

I think most of the people involved in any art always secretly wonder whether they are really there because they're good or there because they're lucky.

Some people act as though art that is for a mass audience is not good art, and I think this has been a very negative thing. I know that I have wanted very much to write books that are accessible to the widest audience possible.

I think I got disappointed over the years about New York, about the States. You know, sometimes you go and visit Europe and see good old socialism in its good part! You see public concern about art, and young people's participation and young faces in the audience.

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