Congress is like first grade, only not as well behaved.

I've pretty much behaved like a knucklehead my entire life.

Canadians are very well behaved, they don't throw their food.

At times, President Trump has behaved far worse than Nixon did.

You can't talk your way out of something you behaved your way into.

Our officers and men behaved like men who are determined to be free.

I was never an A student, but I was really well behaved until I was 13 or so.

I have not always behaved well. I can admit that. I get things wrong, I learn.

The staff, stage managers, ushers all behaved as if they respected the actors.

I'd say I'm quite well behaved! It's just the way I've been brought up, really.

Those who were closest to Yeltsin behaved as if they were running the government.

We have every confidence that people within the White House have behaved appropriately.

Very old fashioned to say that they will be well behaved but I think it's very important.

Neither of us, me nor Dennis, is cavalier about a breakup. We both behaved very honorably.

I feel like an alien. I feel people don't like me. People behaved strangely after 'Rockstar.'

He behaved like an ostrich and put his head in the sand, thereby exposing his thinking parts.

I was like one of those nauseatingly nice children. I was very, very well behaved and boring.

I don't accept bad manners, so all my grandchildren are very well behaved, just like my kids.

As kids, my mom would always let us help bake, and if we behaved, we got to lick the beaters clean.

I learned about machinery, I learned how men behaved under pressure, and I learned about Americans.

My daughter is wonderful and incredibly well behaved. I am very lucky. She will always be my priority.

I was quite pleased that Prince Philip didn't say anything like, I hate queers! He was quite well behaved.

I was quite badly behaved at school - I remember cutting class - and acting was a way of channelling energy.

I play tough guys in movies and behaved like one in front of the press because I thought that was what a man did.

I am leaving the town to the invaders: increasingly numerous, mediocre, dirty, badly behaved, shameless tourists.

I'm a slave to my dogs and go out with them almost every day. They are poorly behaved if they don't run. They really act up.

In primary school I was terrible. I don't think I was particularly well behaved in high school, but I started to apply myself.

I was raised to think that if you behaved badly with men, you went to hell. I realise now it is puritanical and not very adult.

My makeup wasn't smeared, I wasn't disheveled, I behaved politely, and I never finished off a bottle, so how could I be alcoholic?

The crowd could be tough to deal with at times, but I learned to use them and the way they behaved towards me as strong motivation.

One Direction. Proper pop band. There has to be a band that people want to scream at. I don't think I've ever behaved like a pop star.

Have we failed to slow global warming pollution in part because climate and environmental activists have been too polite and well behaved?

If the Christians who were alive in the 1770s behaved and believed like the Christians of today, there wouldn't be an America as we know it.

I would never scream at my kids, never raise my voice. But as they often tell me, they were so well behaved that screaming was not necessary.

By the time I went up to Cambridge, I was extremely quiet and well behaved, although I now meet people who remember me as not like that at all.

If someone has behaved badly with a woman. and she hasn't spoken about it for ten, 20, or 30 years, it's her prerogative when she wants to speak.

Over the years, I've trained my hair to do what I say, and it's usually well behaved. I often reward my hair with special treats when it pleases me.

My marriage was always my first priority. I had left my career to go and settle with Dhrubo in Kolkata. I have never behaved like a celebrity at home.

I was immediately smitten with an attraction to this culture, not in the sense of high culture but of the basic way people behaved towards one another.

Relativity can, for instance, explain that the universe had once been clumped into a dense fireball. But it can never explain how matter actually behaved.

I'm kind of desperately looking for those things that will... you know, sort of show my wilder side, in a way, my much more irreverent, badly behaved side.

I wouldn't tell Jill how I felt. I behaved in such a way that was opposite to how I felt. I must have seemed strong to her. I didn't want to bring her down.

To be frank, you can't compare the atmosphere and the way people behaved in the Olympic Stadium with the game I watched the day after, the Community Shield.

I wanted to show a normal young girl whose only difference was that she behaved in the way a boy might, without any sense of guilt on a moral or sexual level.

I behaved worse than anybody for 15 years, and you have to pay the price for that. I used to blame other people, then therapy made me realise I had to change.

All my life I have lived and behaved very much like the sandpiper - just running down the edges of different countries and continents, 'looking for something'.

I wrote books to entertain. I'm not trying to teach anything! If I suspected the author was trying to show me how to be a better behaved girl, I shut the book.

I have never behaved like a star kid, and since a lot of people in the Tamil and Malayalam film industries know my parents, they treat me like their own child.

Lunch is usually a salad or a sandwich. If I'm on set, I'll have catering, but I'm well behaved with that stuff. It's easy to go crazy - they know how to feed you.

On the other hand, I was very much interested in the way people behaved, the human dance, how they seemed to move around each other. I wanted to play around with that.

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