I'm just getting better every single day and I want to be the best in the world.

I knew when I got to play with Al Jackson I would be a better bass player because he was the best drummer in the world. I worshipped him.

I think wearables in general have, as their best calling, to better understand our current state and needs and to express those back to the world.

I'm fighting hard to make the world a better place, and you can, too. Get involved with your community, be a leader, set an example, be passionate, be your best.

When you are better than your opposition for 45 minutes and create six chances, if you don't score, you are in danger in the Premier League. It's the best league in the world.

There's an awful lot of choices in the world as far as what one can do for a living. It's best to be familiar with as many sectors of the working world as you can be so you'll be better at your creative job anyway.

I supported Obama because of his relationships. A lot of the things he believes in, you would say that it's not in the best interest for someone in my tax bracket, but it's not about that. It's about him making the world better and making it equal and even all around, and that's what I'm supporting when I supported Obama.

Baseball, in my opinion, would be a lot better if you could just make the same salary as everybody else in the world, and you don't deal with any of the other stuff. But that's not how it is. The main thing is I want to pitch against the best players in the world, and you can't do that playing in a pickup baseball league in your town.

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