We'll work hard every day to prepare for the matches and to do our best in every game.

If I'm going to wind up playing left, I want to be the best left fielder in the game. I'll work to be that.

The best workers, like the happiest livers, look upon their work as a kind of game: the harder they play the more enjoyable it becomes.

You can dominate a game if you dominate on the line... We're just going to have to go out there and work hard and blow people off the ball, and let our runners do what they do best.

To be one of the best to ever play the game? I think I have the ability to do that. But I've got to work hard. If I just keep talking and don't put some work in, it's not going to happen.

It's no wonder Pep is one of the best coaches in the world. When I knew I could work with him I was very happy. I didn't think twice. He has helped a lot in my adaptation, in the form of the game he likes.

I'd sneak out and work on my game at midnight. The neighbors would call and say, turn the lights off. I went from the worst player to the first guy off the bench to the best player on my ninth-grade team, and then it took off.

When I was in college, I learned to really take care of my body and figured out what works best for me and what doesn't work for me when it comes to my nutrition. That helped so much on the field because soccer is such a fitness-oriented game.

Coming to Manchester, maybe I didn't show all my potential, but in every game, I'm trying to do my best because it's very important for me, the fans, and the club. Maybe in some games it doesn't work, but I still keep working and trying to improve.

I do my research the same as everyone else - I watch games relentlessly and try to be the best that I can be. It should be irrelevant whether I'm male or female, so as long as I work hard and try my best at it, then more we keep speaking about it, then we can eradicate it from the game.

I think when you have a National Championship Game, a Super Bowl, a Final Four, a World Series, I don't see why there is any reason to pick out one individual as the MVP because it is about a team winning a championship. Maybe that best explains what I believe in at the core in my work as a broadcaster.

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