I grew up in Orlando.

I don't like missing a game.

I've always been a peacemaker.

I feel like I always have to smell good.

I've been on more planes than I can count.

Trash talk can get confused with fight talk.

I think sometimes adding pressure can be good.

The coaches at Duke really helped me get better.

When you don't win, people have to make up a reason.

I know Chris Paul well. I have a relationship with him.

I'm kind of a loner type of dude when it comes to basketball.

I played through flu-like symptoms before. It was frustrating.

It seemed like my dad was always a thousand miles away, coaching.

I don't want people thinking I say disrespectful things to people.

When Houston called, I was like, 'I think this could be a great fit.'

I keep all my trash talk to basketball. I don't ever go after anybody.

I think I'm a shooting guard and a point guard, to be honest with you.

I'm looking forward to a state championship, those are my expectations.

I've earned every stripe that I've gotten. I've earned every playing time.

It would be weird if people weren't cheering against you. It would be boring.

I don't want to just meet LeBron. I want to destroy him on the court one day.

My daily watch is Rolex, stainless steel. They're light, they're comfortable.

You can't strut around in my house, because everybody has their own achievements.

I want my son to look at me the way I looked at my pops. That's what I want from him.

New Orleans just wasn't anything for me. I didn't fit in. I just couldn't get adjusted.

I am like a germophobe to the max to the point where it actually bothers people sometimes.

He was in Boston and I grew up in Orlando. It's not so much like father-son, it's coach-player.

It's been a long journey. Continued to work through my rookie year. I was hurt a lot. Up and down.

A lot of teams have won one state championship, but not many teams can say they went back-to-back.

Most teams don't do anything. Really it's just take the ball out the basket, pick-and-roll, and run.

It seems that once I stepped foot in L.A., I saw an opportunity and took it, and haven't looked back.

Everyone has an opinion about things they don't know much about. You just have to tune everybody out.

I'm going to do what I do and be aggressive and try to help the team in any area I can. And just build.

I was the 10th pick, people were thinking could be an All-Star, but I turned out to be a pretty damn good pro.

In terms of playing for my father, that was an amazing experience that me and him got to do. But that was that.

I know what the narrative is on me. It's because I come from money and I have a swagger and confidence about me.

This chip on my shoulder, this swagger and confidence, it helps me. If I didn't have it, I would not be in the NBA.

The easiest thing sometimes is just playing. You don't have to worry about the plays, this and that, you just play.

My dad would never, ever play me over somebody because I'm his son. If I'm not playing well, I'm sitting on the bench.

One game, one of the kids yelled, 'The only thing Riverses are good at is coaching.' I didn't take offense, I just smiled.

Golden Oreo cookies. I've got 10 boxes of them in my room. I am obsessed with them. But I burn them right off in practice.

At the end of the day, it's the general managers' and the scouts' opinion on you and what teams need, what they're looking for.

Judge me all you want as a player. Some people think I'm a great player, some people don't. That's fine. Numbers don't ever lie.

For the guys who would say, 'oh, your dad, this and that, you've got to the league or here because of him'... they're hypocrites.

I get picked on by my older brother and sister, and I get yelled at for picking on my little brother and for not cleaning my room.

I always watch guys and take a lot of little stuff. I've taken a lot of hesitation stuff from Steph Curry. I think he's the best at that.

My father's a very private person. I mean a very private person. His life outside of basketball, he doesn't really share it with anybody.

Hate equals motivation. Five years ago, I was known as Doc Rivers's son, and now I'm known as my own person, and that's through hard work.

I was always Little Doc. And in the sixth grade I was the worst player on the team. People said I was only on the team because of my name.

Like, I'm not enjoying LeBron's greatness right now. I mean, I have no fun playing against him. So you don't get to enjoy it until you look back.

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