People knew about IBM before they knew about Apple. Sometimes it takes a little longer for better to win.

People need to be re - sometimes we need to reinvent ourselves and then get reacquainted with our better selves.

It's not about changing people; it's sometimes about changing a situation. How can we build an even better situation for them?

People always want to feel better and be inspired. Sometimes we need it. I think the conscious rapper will always be able to live and exist.

I used to throw cooking parties in university. Everyone would come over - sometimes you'd just do a mac and cheese, but if you do that better than everyone else, you can get people to come to you.

It's always better to speak the language of the team. Not only for the direct contact with everyone - sometimes it also helps you to understand the mentality of the people in the team a bit better.

I think we have got to do a better job explaining to people why their vote does count. I think people feel disconnected from some of their elected officials, as well as the system, because, sometimes, it is very complicated.

A lot of people think this is a goodie two-shoes talking. But we do have a tendency to complain rather than celebrating who we are. I learned at my mother's knee it's better to appreciate what's happening... I think we kind of talk ourselves into the negative sometimes.

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