The blame is his who chooses: God is blameless.

Blameless people are always the most exasperating.

When we quarrel, how we wish we had been blameless.

I lead a life of blameless domesticity and always have done.

How happy is the blameless vestal's lot? The world forgetting, by the world forgot.

Think how many blameless lives are brightened by the blazing indiscretions of other people.

Think of how many boring, blameless lives are brightened by the blazing indiscretion of me.

No action will be considered blameless, unless the will was so, for by the will the act was dictated.

To be fair, Republicans are not blameless. The deficit began to spiral out of control on President Bush's watch.

Ever the blameless narcissist, Trump always insists that the buck stops wherever convenient - for him, personally.

Trial. A formal inquiry designed to prove and put upon record the blameless characters of judges, advocates and jurors.

It is far easier for a woman to lead a blameless life than it is for a man; all she has to do is to avoid sexual intercourse like the plague.

I dread my trial at the pearly gates - knowing my luck, I'll be hot on the heels of a blameless nun who will be ushered straight to a luscious cloud with prime sea views.

Every nation, like every individual, would like to believe it owes 'no apology' to anyone. Adults realise, however, that few among us are purely innocent or utterly blameless.

Your dear baby has died innocent and blameless, and has been called away by an all wise and merciful Creator, most probably from a life to misery and misfortune, and most certainly to one of happiness and bliss.

English churchmen have long gazed with love on the primitive church as the ideal of Christian perfection, the Eden wherein the first fathers of their faith walked blameless before God and passionless towards each other.

I was a wife and mother, blameless in moral life, with a deep sense of duty and a proud self-respect; it was while I was this that doubt struck me, and while I was in the guarded circle of the home, with no dream of outside work or outside liberty, that I lost all faith in Christianity.

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