We want to use our site to galvanize people to give but also to take important steps toward real change.

The secret of doing well on TV is to understand that it's not too important. A lot of people watching doesn't change anything.

It is tragic that people who are incarcerated are unable to vote. They are probably the most important voices to listen to because they can tell us what we need to change.

I think it's so important to think about the basic human rights of others and to use our collective voices, minds and bodies to lift those people up and bring about change.

I encourage young people to feel passionately about important issues including climate change. But to suggest that they should strike during school hours is grossly irresponsible.

People change their opinion according to your position. And both politicians and bureaucrats begin to take you more seriously, as they suddenly feel you have become more important.

Babies are wonderful, important things. Having kids, even the thought of having kids, is a big emotional deal. But sometimes it can cause people to change their financial plans and directions.

I'm at one with Ed Miliband in saying that it's important that people have the right to express their democratic voices and also their deep concerns about climate change because we have a planet in peril.

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