Any time that when you're rich and guilty, you're treated better than if you're poor and innocent, something has to change.

It's difficult to find someone better than Milik. However, when a player believes his time at a club is over and he wants a change of scenery, you have to listen to him.

There's never been a better time to change the way you think. Replace every 'I can't' with 'How can I?' It might sound like semantics, but I promise it will bring whatever you want to accomplish much closer to becoming a reality.

You can graph human evolution, which is mostly a straight line, but we do get better and change over time, and you can graph technological evolution, which is a line that's going straight up. They are going to intersect each other at some point, and that's happening now.

One of the things I've said to teams and players from time to time - especially when things are going well like we had them going in Orlando - is that you better appreciate it and enjoy it because things change quickly in this game. You know, it's tough for guys to really think it will change on them, but it does.

For me, there's one film at a time, and my only benchmark is that my current film should be better than my last one, and I've made sure of that. If you Google the trailer of my first film - which I request you not to - you'll see the vast change in my approach towards my profession and the slow gain of maturity in performing.

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