All movements go too far.

Change is not indecision.

Change is such hard work.

Live like a mighty river.

Change brings opportunity.

Change before you have to.

Nought endures but change.

Seabeck is slow to change.

Light tomorrow with today!

Change is not threatening.

Rome wasn't built in a day.

Change alone is unchanging.

Nothing endures but change.

In pain is a new time born.

Change has come to America.

Times don't change. Men do.

Many hands make light work.

All change is in the screen.

Change is always subjective.

The only constant is change.

Trouble is part of your life

Change is the only constant.

Human-nature will not change.

Change comes from reflection.

Everything changes but change

Habits change into character.

Music can't change the world.

Be the change you want to see.

Some people will never change.

#1 Never Get Used to Anything.

A man's character is his fate.

Change in all things is sweet.

Life is about Being & Becoming.

Everything changes, even stone.

All things are only transitory.

Pain is the precursor to change.

I believe in being an innovator.

Touching Hearts, Changing Lives.

We must change to master change.

No great thing happens suddenly.

Things do not change; we change.

Even God cannot change the past.

Nothing is permanent but change.

The inevitability of gradualness.

Change, like healing, takes time.

A changeable God would be no God.

All is flux; nothing stays still.

False hope is worse than despair.

Nought may endure but Mutability.

Nothing that is can pause or stay.

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