Shame is pride's cloak.

all success cloaks a surrender

I don't need a cloak to become invisible.

I have put off the past like a worn-out cloak.

Under a bad cloak there is often a good drinker

I hated historical novels with fluttering cloaks.

I went to a private arts school. We had to wear cloaks.

When you sleep in your cloak there 's no lodging to pay.

Ambition is all very well, my lad, but you must cloak it.

Social engineers veil themselves in a cloak of believability.

Though February lay about her shoulders like a cloak of lead.

Religion is not like a house or a cloak which can be changed at will.

Oh my God, can you see me? I thought I was wearing my invisibility cloak.

Legend gathered around him, swirling around him like a great black cloak.

You always hope that the cloak of inspiration will fall, and you'll be O.K.

Fear is a cloak which old men huddle about their love, as if to keep it warm.

Let us prize our freedom; but not use our liberty for a cloak of maliciousness

Know then that the body is merely a garment. Go seek the wearer, not the cloak.

The cloak of naiveté was the uniform of our success: we didn't know it couldn't be done.

If the Beautiful One is not inside you, then what is that Light hidden under your cloak?

If your cloak was a gift, I appreciate it; if it was a loan, I'm not through with it yet.

A diary is an assassin's cloak which we wear when we stab a comrade in the back with a pen.

It seems to be a characteristic of all great work that it creators wear a cloak of imprecision.

sacrifice' was often a cloak for many actions that did not always stem from the highest motives.

I've always liked my clothes, even before I could properly afford them. Clothes for me were never a cloak, a cover. They were how I chose to express myself.

You can always find a stray negative comment on the Internet. It's like everybody loves to put negative comments on the Internet under the cloak of anonymity.

Accidents did not just happen. From time to time they were carefully plotted, calculated, and arranged to one’s advantage-all, of course, under the cloak of happenstance.

Verily if with mine own eyes I had seen a priest of God, or any of those who wear the monastic garb, sinning, I would spread my cloak and hide him, that he might not be seen of any.

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