I played classical as a kid.

I love to make fried chicken.

Experience is a great teacher.

You can't be a 25-year-old forever.

I was a wedding singer as a teenager.

Musicians are in-season all the time.

I was homeschooled for several years.

The biggest weapon is to stay peaceful

I was around a lot of gospel as a kid.

Music is so crucial to every film, I think.

My head’s under water but I’m breathing fine

The struggle for freedom and justice is now.

I think writers are prone to hyperbole sometimes.

I'm used to getting sexy sometimes in the lyrics.

As a nation - and as a world - we need more truth.

We should care about what is going on in the world.

The best training is to play by ear: trial by fire.

Before every show, I eat half a rotisserie chicken.

The future started yesterday, and we're already late.

I keep learning, listening, growing and experimenting.

Sometimes success is just limited to festival circuit.

I just want it to be timeless and timely at the same time.

We're just ordinary people. We don't know which way to go.

My fried chicken is very simple. I pan-fry it in a skillet.

It's an artist's duty to reflect the times in which we live.

Music, to me, if it's good, it's good. That's all that matters.

For me as a songwriter, I love when other people cover my songs.

I always felt that rap didn't cause crime; it just reflected it.

Love your curves and all your edges All your perfect imperfections

I was always the front man for what I was doing from when I was 6.

I'm pretty adventurous with food, so I'm not afraid to try anything.

Well, I like songs that have like a little bit of quirkiness to them.

I don't feel like that many musicians are competitive with each other.

I guess a lot of times pressure is put on something after it becomes big.

There's a lot of hurry up and wait. But it gives you time to write a song.

There are more black men incarcerated today than there were slaves in 1850.

I'm not going to run for office. I don't think that's the right move for me.

Now that I'm coming out with my own record people can see I'm a solo artist.

My dad liked a lot of Motown, but I didn't listen to it until my teenage years.

I hear melodies and hooks all day. I've always been that way, since I was a kid.

Marvin Gaye was one of the coolest. I look to him as a style icon and as an artist.

It's really about making the best music you can make. It's really about working hard.

I feel like fashion is making steps toward diversity, but I think they could do more.

The best way to fight poverty is to empower people through access to quality education

There's a certain confidence that comes with being sure about the way the world works.

I only want to be associated with music that is high quality. That's my main criteria.

Happy that New York passed marriage equality tonight. A victory for human rights. Progress.

I was in an a cappella group in school, so it particularly helped me keep my piano chops up.

I have a great band, with very talented players, and we give everything we have every night.

When we meet people who are astronauts or deal in astronomy, it's always really fascinating.

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