I always relate respectfully with blue-collar people.

A crime is a crime, regardless of what collar you wear.

I love little Peter Pan collars and little puff sleeves.

I hate ready-made suits, button-down collars, and sports shirts.

Fredrick Buechner kind of loosened up my clerical collar, you might say.

I dressed like Leslie Caron as a teenager: soft school pleats, Peter Pan collars.

Lipstick on your collar said you were untrue. Bet your bottom dollar, you and I are through.

Nah. I’m a consultant, of course. Everyone’s favorite nondescript yet well-paid white-collar job.

Anybody with any sense knows the whole solar system will go up like a celluloid collar by-and-by.

I have a magnificent chin and a long, odd-shaped face. As a result, I always look better in collars.

I left halfway through my third year to start Lipstick On Your Collar, which was the first thing I ever did.

I don't fight the suburban areas or collar counties. I get along with them; they're former Chicagoans anyway.

Before I knew what was happening, I had a fistful of spears around my neck like a collar. I could have shaved myself with one sneeze.

I'm not the least bit polished, I come from a blue collar background and I never thought I could feel comfortable around the English.

I'm not wholesome at all. I detest homey things like cooking and bed-making and Peter Pan collars. I like to wear slacks and play golf.

The blue collar milieu was something that I really understood and resonated with me and I thought was underrepresented in American cinema.

You come before me this morning with clean hands and clean collars. I want you to have clean tongues, clean manners, clean morals and clean characters.

I've met them down in the Cost and Accounting Department, clean-shaven and in white collars. They can't see a damn thing ridiculous about themselves... only about you.

I think the accessories look very modern and very exciting. These big earrings, these big hoops. I think the girls are sort of falling in love with... collars, neck collars.

I've always liked higher necklines, and Mia Farrow is my ultimate inspiration. The baby-doll dresses with big Peter Pan collars that she wore in 'Rosemary's Baby' were iconic. I've been drawn to similar looks ever since.

Every chef has his treats. By that, I mean bits and pieces from things you're working on - crusty little cake trimmings, ends from a brisket, collars from a salmon, scraps. But they're snacks to me, and I eat them right off the cutting board - maybe too much.

Here in America, money is something everyone can have, and because Trump poured cement with blue collars when he was a young man, he knows the vernacular; he speaks that language. In fact, he was probably much more comfortable with them than he is with the aristocrats, who are his financial peers.

I had this moment in church, which I think really turned me off. I was 7 or 8 years old and I was sitting at church, and we happened to be playing with the sunlight that was coming down from the stained glass window, and the monsignor came down to the pew and grabbed us by our neck collars and said, 'I'll deal with you.'

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