I'm kind of fat.

Pork is my friend.

I have a good flavor memory.

I crave my mom's Sloppy Joes.

I don't ever preach to people.

Farm to table is a personal choice.

I love restaurants from top to bottom.

Every cook I knows loves to make pizza.

I was $4,000 short on my first payroll.

How can anyone live off of minimum wage?

I'm not exactly the best capitalist ever.

I'm just sick of food going in the garbage.

My dad never explained anything growing up.

The state of Washington calls tips 'wages.'

Entrepreneurial people are never satisfied.

Cooks are an undervalued, awesome profession.

I know Jeff Bezos because I cater at his home.

I would love to see McDonald's pay more money.

Catfish has a nice firm texture and mild flavor.

Sweet, delicious Dungeness crab is always a treat.

Customers are more friendly when they've had a meal.

Salsa verde is delicious with trout or most any fish.

One of my favorite ways to eat albacore is tuna poke.

I'm much less shy in conversation than I am on my own.

I don't know too many kids who ask to weed the garden.

The lakes in Washington State give us tons of crawfish.

If you're going to start a fire, why cook just one chicken?

There's natural mentoring that goes on in my life every day.

I was once made honorary mayor of my hometown of Newark, Del.

If you just feel lazy and don't want to cook, then don't cook.

It's important that your shucked oyster is clean and pristine.

I love being able to help promote Seattle to travelers worldwide.

At the fishmonger, choose fish with bright scales and clear eyes.

Money is like manure: if you don't spread it around, nothing grows.

Razor clams are large, oblong clams, although not as big as geoducks.

The one thing I could do with my eyes closed is my Grandma's schnecken.

Coho or silver salmon are very common and easy to get for a good price.

In some cities, McDonald's rules, but Seattle is ruled by teriyaki joints.

I'll never understand those greasy little deep-fried wings most bars serve.

Spanish chorizo is a spicy cured sausage that's especially tasty with clams.

When I was young, I would make my parents breakfast in bed on Saturday mornings.

When you watch 'Shark Tank,' everything is about off-shore this, off-shore that.

For a group of friends or a family dinner, fish tacos are popular and fun to make.

When I eat oatmeal, I'm hungry by 10 A.M., but pho is a great way to start the day.

I think you owe it to your kids to teach them how to cook - you know, self-survival.

Sweet Washington cherries and Walla Walla onions are two of my favorite local treats.

Sometimes managers are a little shy to criticize another manager or another operation.

I particularly like to make crunchy slices of garlic bread to serve with steamed clams.

I want to do the basic things, like putting my daughter to bed. It's the sweetest thing.

I didn't go to university. I didn't go to culinary school, barely made it through high school.

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