The Empire is a Commonwealth of nations.

A family is but too often a commonwealth of malignants.

Winning Commonwealth gold was just totally unbelievable.

Laws were most numerous when the commonwealth was most corrupt

The majority of the people of Puerto Rico support commonwealth.

Whoever is victor, there should be, after the war, a commonwealth of all nations.

The Commonwealth is one of three belts I want to win before going for a world title.

This country and the Commonwealth last Tuesday were not far from the Kingdom of Heaven.

The governor is Virginia's chief executive and represents the commonwealth at all times.

I want to be the European, Olympic, Commonwealth and world champion. I want the full set.

I am George Rogers Clark. You have just become a prisoner of the Commonwealth of Virginia.

I am prepared to resort to anything, to submit to anything, for the sake of the commonwealth.

What supposedly bound that Commonwealth together was a mysterious shared identity - Britishness.

It is easy enough to define what the Commonwealth is not. Indeed this is quite a popular pastime.

We must conceive of this whole universe as one commonwealth of which both gods and men are members.

The roots of all commonwealth are planted in the understanding that we are all the same human beings.

Creating new jobs for Pennsylvanians continues to be my highest priority throughout the Commonwealth.

I have had many anxieties for our commonwealth, principally occasioned by the depreciation of our money.

Before Babita and my win at the CommonWealth Games, nobody used to take Indian women wrestlers seriously.

Though bachelors be the strongest stakes, married men are the best binders, in the hedge of the commonwealth.

I spent my first 10 years in the Commonwealth. I come from cricket, crumpets, cucumber sandwiches, the Queen.

An Olympic medal is much better than a world record, and so is a world championship or Commonwealth Games medal.

I would like to thank the Commonwealth Games Federation for the very fair manner in which this matter has been dealt with.

In the Roman commonwealth, even on the conversion of the monarchy into a republic, the old was as far as possible retained.

I'm fighting for the Commonwealth title on Saturday and I believe I'll be ready for a world title shot in the next 18 months.

Unlike the United Kingdom or the Commonwealth, the umma, or Muslim community, has no symbolic leader, let alone a formal one.

I think there was, and there is, a real Commonwealth culture. It's different. America doesn't really feel to be a part of that.

She [ Elizabeth II] is, you know, "Do-what-you're-told, Lady". But in the Commonwealth, she is much more than just a figurehead.

I don't know who described Mahathir [bin Mohamad] as a pillar of the Commonwealth, but they don't know what they're talking about.

I was born too late and missed the dream of empire. Its shadow, the Commonwealth, coincides with my life but rarely connected with it.

As governor, I'll focus every day on delivering for working Kentuckians like teachers and first responders all across the commonwealth.

One of our targets as a country is to now work very closely with the Commonwealth countries - they could become a very big market for us.

The British are very stubborn. The Queen, the Commonwealth, and the special relationship with the U.S. is much more important than Europe.

I'm going to do the Commonwealth Games for no other reason than national pride. It's something special getting to ride for the Isle of Man.

I want to thank the Big Blue nation for your warming and hospitality. You all have made us feel like we've been in the Commonwealth forever.

Try and understand: cricket was played by Commonwealth countries only; now it has started in other countries as well, and I am proud of that.

Obviously any export of uranium to India could only occur within an appropriate international framework to be negotiated by the commonwealth government.

I am the Olympic, World, Commonwealth, and European champion now, and I hope that's enough for people to accept that I am a half-decent British athlete.

The family farm is the foundation for who we are as a Commonwealth. And for over a century, the family farm in Kentucky has centered around one crop: tobacco.

When the people share everything in the state, then will we truly reach the goal of the Min Sheng Principle, which is Confucius' hope of a 'great commonwealth.'

For you see this scripture fulfilled this day and therefore I desire you as you tender the Lord and the church and commonwealth to consider and look what you do.

My first inkling of what the Commonwealth might really mean came only when I escaped the oddly British-tinged Asia I had known and went to live in the Philippines.

Now I know the difference between a rousing reception and a pat on the back. Now I know the difference between a gold in Commonwealth Games and a bronze in Olympics.

When I was in my early twenties, I hoped one day to own a Victoria Cross, the ultimate decoration in Britain and the Commonwealth for bravery in the face of the enemy.

We hope that the Commonwealth Sports movement is playing a meaningful role in the wider global conversation around tolerance, empowerment, and legal recognition for all.

I have got lots of silver medals, from Delhi in 2010 and London in 2012, so it would be nice to pick up some golds, and the Commonwealth Games is a great place to start.

The Commonwealth is a vital and positive partnership between countries striving to develop trade relations and promote democracy and human rights, united by shared values.

Over my dead body when I'm governor of Virginia are we ever going to take down the statue of Robert E. Lee or Stonewall Jackson or any hero of the Commonwealth of Virginia.

I am huge fan of Australian comedy. 'Strictly Ballroom' is one of my favorite movies. Definitely the British Commonwealth's sensibility is where I draw a lot of my influences.

It is necessary to take an active part in politics to observe how often the welfare of the party organization is put before the issues, even before the welfare of the commonwealth.

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